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05/05/03 6:49 PM

#22986 RE: 0nceinalifetime #22962

Once, "Long lost history files located!" Seriously, I wish your 'long history' would get 'lost'.

Your story is beyond getting old, it is rediculous and predictable. You pick a poster to respond too, like me for instance, that has no interest in discussing IDCC with you, because we have been through the excercise in futility for years. Then you make your subtle and not so subtle bashing posts, often outlandish accusations against management and other posters here, just to start your little...Uh-Hmm...mess. Then you go claiming you have been attacked.

Like I said, your story is past getting old.


05/05/03 9:39 PM

#23005 RE: 0nceinalifetime #22962

Hey Once that just reminded me. Bought any GSTRF lately?

By: Onceinalifetime
28 Sep 2000, 01:16 PM EDT Msg. 96418 of 149926
(This msg. is a reply to 96406 by Conwar.)
Jump to msg. #
Of course they didn't have any revenues as of June, did you expect the revenues to show up before the subscribers?

At least the GSTRF satellites are tangible assets that work very well. Do you know how much it would cost to build a terrestrial network with equivalent worldwide coverage? Are you starting to get the picture now?

IDCC is $13/share
GSTRF is $9/share


No didnt think so. Thats right they went belly up after you were pushing them or should I say pumping.

Hummm seems like another buyer beware to me.

IDCC 23.59 GSTRF 000.00
