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05/09/01 10:15 AM

#19 RE: SE #18

In terms of trading, I have been at this for about three years, seriously. During that three years I have had a range of emotions from elation to wanting to quit. It always seemed that the pot of gold was right around the corner and I never quite was able to grasp it.

About a year ago I figured my difficulties must be psychological and started to try and figure out what was the problem. I mean, I could see setups, I could trade setups, and yet, my success was always a shot in the dark really. Yet, everytime I paper traded I kicked assets.

Recently, I took a course from Don Spinks at It can be found here:

This course alone helped me with my trading by doing the MBTI test and determining what signal system would best fit my psychological profile.

I am currently taking a course in controling anxiety and determining the root causes of the anxiety. There is a degree of self sabotage that can occur in traders and from time to time I would partake in that self sabotage. This is a reference to the course work I am now pursuing.

Let me say that these discussions with Don have changed my trading behavior for the better and I am extremely impressed by what he is doing for me. My success is now a consistent thing. In order to be extremely successful at trading you do not need to get 20 points a day. All you need is something that is reproducable and consistent day in and day out. Heck 2 points a day net on 10 S&P minis is $1,000 per trading day. Given the range of the S&P being much larger than 2 points, it is easy to see that that is not hard to achieve, given the right tools for you individually.

I do not receive any compensation for this post. That is not what I am about. Don does not even know I am posting it. The reason I am posting it is that Don has helped me and I think he can help others as well that might be struggling a bit. His rates are extremely reasonable. I would strongly encourage anyone that trades to give him a call and see if he can help you. Perhaps as you talk to him you decide he cannot and that is fine as well. There is no charge to give him a call and find out what he can offer.

As always, my only wish is that everyone achieves their own individual goals through trading. If I can provide a little help along the way, I will be happy.

My Best.