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01/28/02 10:44 PM

#82 RE: SE #19

This thread was a good idea. It's dead now. I'm partly responsible in that I wanted to take but wanted to protect proprietary thoughts.

Maybe it can be revived.

I think my trading methods are different than the direction the thread was taking. I'd like to see code. Preferably EL easy language for TS tradestation.

If anyone wants to post some pseudo-system code or even some real stuff, this is one place it could be done.

Someone sent me a system last week that they described as "really" profitable. Their quotation marks not mine. I read through it and it made sense but being in system format I knew I'd need to convert it to the matching indicators to make sense of the signal arrows. I never even plotted it. Supposedly he wrote it 3 hrs earlier and was based on the theme of his main system which is even more profitable. I believe the idea was I'm supposed to offer him some input on system1 which doesn't give away all his proprietary stuff in system2 and then he'd use my input to improve system2 because it's so similar to system1.

Someone else sent an incredible ammount of input and put some really hard work into duplicating a parallel model of a new system I'm working on. I think he actually put more effort and time into his model of my model than I spent on it this past week.

Meanwhile I've determined that a project I decided to write long ago was going to be assigned a project number a few weeks ago and finally got started on it. Although I certainly don't need to be going in that direction right now, nor can I spare the time but I just love brainstorming theoretical system stuff and can't help myself from wandering off onto interesting paths when the actual code I'm writing for something else becomes tedious or boring.

Then someone sent me a project that needs my programming help and dovetails nicely with what I'm already doing and my skills in a certain area would help tremendously. I offered to write the parts he was having difficulty with but said I'd leave some comment blocks where he could fill in the details that I would describe ... in other words, I said I'd help but he'd have to write the main module.

I really didn't have time to get involved with that one and don't have confidence in the methodology but I'd do it anyway, to help him, and for what I'd learn, if I could find the time.

I did accomplish quite a bit of exception rule modeling for the 1 project I should be spending all my time on. It's a takeoff of Dunnigan's One Way Formula and I've strayed far from the original but it's still swing... Swing like nobody understands anymore, my pet peave is people who think a swing trade is longer than some given length of time. Well that's the way everyone abuses the word but Swing is actually a method that uses swinglines.

I'm a bit pissed at myself for the amount of time I spend on the net. I'm also very pleased with some of the friendships I've made and the help I receive developing system rules. It's a quandry finding the time to implement all the ideas I have because I keep looking for new stuff. Something challenging there that I don't understand or I'd have it under control by now.

Just need to close IE and open my code editor and pickup where I left off... and I need to do it now, but I want to go read some messages first ; )

I need to unsubscribe from all these message boards but that will never happen.