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02/17/06 1:41 PM

#38067 RE: convers #38065

thank you
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02/17/06 1:41 PM

#38068 RE: convers #38065

April 1st. Something big, Earth Shattering coming to a TV near you.

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02/17/06 1:43 PM

#38069 RE: convers #38065

"Give it about 45 days." It's Dish or Directv imho

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02/17/06 1:43 PM

#38070 RE: convers #38065

Convers........many thanks.
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02/17/06 1:43 PM

#38071 RE: convers #38065

Nice post convers. Thanks for the update!
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02/17/06 1:43 PM

#38072 RE: convers #38065

convers, even though that is almost the identical response given by every CEO of bloated stocks [eg: CMKX, QBID, MLON, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc]

i am confident that it will be different this time, as so many thought it would be for all the others mentioned above
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02/17/06 1:45 PM

#38075 RE: convers #38065

Now that's news! Thanks convers!!!
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02/17/06 1:45 PM

#38077 RE: convers #38065

convers...Thanks for the info...with other investments that I currently have...45 days gives me enough time to resolve those and free up some more monies for BKMP!!!!GLTA
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02/17/06 1:47 PM

#38079 RE: convers #38065

This sounds awsome itll give me a chance to pick up another 14 mil shares....
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was CA$H

02/17/06 1:50 PM

#38083 RE: convers #38065

Convers- thanks for sharing. eom.
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02/17/06 1:50 PM

#38084 RE: convers #38065

Convers, great DD, hopefully all is true.

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02/17/06 1:51 PM

#38088 RE: convers #38065

VERY NICE convers....thanks for sharing that.
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02/17/06 1:53 PM

#38090 RE: convers #38065

convers - great BKMP news - thanks eom
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02/17/06 1:55 PM

#38094 RE: convers #38065

Excellent Convers. Great work.
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High Hopes

02/17/06 2:06 PM

#38101 RE: convers #38065

convers - Without a doubt, something HOT to be released during the first week in April! Appreciate your passing this info to all BKMPers! Load your truck.
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02/17/06 2:12 PM

#38106 RE: convers #38065

Convers..thanks for the post!..Great!..eom
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02/18/06 10:00 AM

#38354 RE: convers #38065

Question for the board....Has anyone else called and spoken
with Sandy by phone ?

I have tried to research past posts to get at my questions.
Maybe I missed'm. Getting to that time in space where I'm
go'n to need reading glasses

This is the e-mail I sent to Sandy and received an answer for on the 8th of Feb. His answer:
"I have no idea where the volume is coming from. None whatsoever."

Cause I'm feeling very contrarion and suspicious this morning, so
A posit And please let's be civil :)) ....

Now everyone (most) here knows about 'forward looking statements', made by Co. execs; SEC don't care for'um.
And Winick's been around way to long, not to know what not to say and say publicly.

That said; here's where I'm go'n with this....
convers says in his conversation with Sandy. That Sandy
News releases will start to roll out at that time that will, in his words, "Blow Your Socks Off,"

And from convers:
Another observation. I had asked him why he doesn't put out a release to this effect. He told me that up until about a month ago he had time to focus on these types of issues, but that today the demands of this burgeoning company pretty much limits his time to issue these types of PR's. He says that he believes that the share price of BKMP will benefit much more from the effort being put into what is soon coming to fruition. He concluded by reiterating, "Give it about 45 days."

It's the "Give it 45 days" that's mainly causing the doubt.
Forward looking and insider (only told to convers).
It's the "Blow your socks off" causing doubt.
Forward looking.
It's convers and his stating Sandy's opinion that's causing doubt.
And why wasn't a question about TA response to S/H's asked
and answered; since TA topic was covered ?

So, since convers has been the only person to obtain
these statements from Sandy, hence the doubts.

convers....Don't lash out. I'm not calling you anything. I'm not bashing.
I'm just doing a posit....

Main Entry: pos·it
Pronunciation: 'pä-z&t
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): pos·it·ed /'pä-z&-t&d, 'päz-t&d/; pos·it·ing /'pä-z&-ti[ng], 'päz-ti[ng]/
Etymology: Latin positus, past participle of ponere
1 : to dispose or set firmly : FIX
2 : to assume or affirm the existence of : POSTULATE
3 : to propose as an explanation : SUGGEST

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02/19/06 12:03 PM

#38460 RE: convers #38065

NICE "REPORT"!, too bad its ALL hear-say...

imo winick better be a bit more "prudent" in what he states, although i am confident he knows it would be propagated on this and other boards

and why not...its not in an "official" PR so he cant be held accountable for the statements, but at the same time he can give SHs what they want to hear...regardless if it is factual or not

"...blow your socks off..."????, lol
perhaps someone can translate in real terms exactly what that means to the common SH

"...Give it about 45 days..."???, yowzer!
okey-dokey, lets look at the past 30 days for trend

given that the TA is by "default" essentially gagged, and that the only "official" mention of OS was the financial report dated 09/30/05, almost 1/2 year ago!, who knows what it will be in 45 days

[note: the jan 9 PR mentioned "capital structure has not changed", which refers to AS not OS]

and what about...?

if it aint in a PR, anyone doing serious DD wouldnt even let hear-say statements get to the first level of investigation, and as we all have hopefully learned, even in a PR any companys statements need to be quantified