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02/21/14 11:44 PM

#3584 RE: zackster #3583

i cant speak for the coasts or canada but in the midwest - i think it could do very well. look at any walmart and the insane floor space provided to duck dynasty. i didnt even know what that was until i was in a walmart for some basic toiletries and saw the duck dynasty command center. i was traveling and needed some items and the walmart was the only thing open. i asked someone that worked there about the display (this particular store had an entire, vacant substore (like a bank that would be inside a walmart) dedicated to merchandise. they thought i was an alien because i didnt know what it was.

larry's tater chips are already in the walmarts, menards, and other big box stores. i just checked a store locator on his foundation site and there are numerous locations in Windsor all the way to Toronto on the 401/402. so apparently his brand is doing ok up there.

this is where the cobranding comes in. if you are already selling these and having success - you hang a tree of the energy shots by the chips in a one or two pack and people will grab them to try them.

as far as being all natural - i somewhat unknowingly did a couple red bulls and vodka with a colleague and didnt sleep for three nights. granted - i very rarely drink caffeine but that was enough for me to probably think i could fly. i am sure there is a large segment that would like a real boost that was naturally derived and quick vs a slug of caffeine and sugar. im not sure that larry is the poster child for fitness but or natural foods but then again, his brand resonates. if he will co promote HJOE along with the energy shot - then there is real pull power.

frankly, i dont understand how people pay that much for a shot or energy drink. i travel extensively and surprised by people putting down a couple of cans of Monster or whatever out of the fridge at the c-store and getting a handfull of coins back from a $10. my mind says people will intrinsically feel like they are getting more value with a full can of something than a shot if they are both priced the same. however, 5Hr obviously dispels that notion. i have a colleague that could have been a pitch man for 5Hr. when they become available, he will be by first focus group to see what his thoughts are. he finally weened himself off of 5Hr due to his "dependence" on them. he didnt like feeling like he needed them every day.

i guess the price point for an energy shot or can is akin to a premium cup of coffee...? since i drink neither - i cant really place a value on it. however, one look next to any cstore register shows you that energy shots, drinks, supplements is a big, big seller. if the companies can use the cobranding with larry to make a quick impact - then it could do well. celebrities have been pairing up with premium liquors and sports waters recently and have taken no name brands to requested beverages within months.

i think the tie in is fascinating. i still dont completely get it but i can certainly appreciate the connections and possibilities. more importantly for me is the credibility i think it brings to the HJOE brand/company in general. the git er done products are all driven through Larry's foundation: whenever dealing with foundation work, one must be very careful in vetting deals and alliances so they must have done their DD on HJOE.

i think we continue to see volatility until there is something concrete with respect to funding and/or production. the deals and contracts are positive, but in the end product has to be made to be resold.


02/22/14 1:47 PM

#3592 RE: zackster #3583

Something you need to understand this will sell all over the USA, this product is designed for North America. Energy does not sell that well outside the USA I mean energy shots. 5hr failed in UK and Australia and western Europe. Americans are the ones eating up energy shots. It's like Duck Dynasty it sells nationwide. America is a blue collar country and redneck is totally in just look at all the reality TV, its the top shows. There tons of these shows and I could list 10. I have been studying up on Larry he plays to most of America he crosses over from redneck to middle class folks. He just did a sold out show in Beverly Hills of all places blew my mind. This brand I predict will end up in Wal-Mart. Here what people don't know that 5hr does over half of all there business in Wal-Mart. Also the brand didn't explode till it was in Wal-Mart. 50 Percent of all Americans walk through a Wal-Mart once a week. I don't know if you have been to Wal-Mart lately but everyone in there looks like Larry. This is product is a fit so much for Wal-Mart. I don't expect it to start off there but its going to end up on the shelves of Wal-mart. Larry also does tons of jokes about Wal-Mart and they carry his chips and dips and other products. A typical super center has 32 check outs. Just imagine this on every other one in the impulse section of the checkout 16 lanes. Say in 24 hours each Wal-mart moves 50 bottles a day that a little over 2 cases which is nothing I shooting low numbers here. Take that by 5,000 Wal-mart. That alone if they got that account would do 20 million in sales a year just in Wal-mart. Now there is 16,000 dollar generals and other dollar stores where 5hr sells also this is more Larry people, 6,000 7-11 I think you can get the picture. This is massive by any standards. Take Pantry in the south 2,000 c'stores its a natural. This thing in the next year will be all over the USA and exploded.