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02/21/14 10:42 AM

#6806 RE: Slojab #6805

I have several SPECULATIVE scenarios to that...

1) Hudson/Grande simply "like" and "believe" that the very NAME
"Electronic Merchant Systems" has a seasoned, solid, reliable,
and reassuring-sounding quality or intrinsic essence to it.

Now, it seems to ME that it's risky to simply "take" and abscond with
another Company's Name and affix (in this instance) "Rochester" to it...
but yet, that is what he/they apparently chose to do.

If this is so, then we shall just have to wait-and-see how this
shakes out in future weeks/months. Frankly, it strikes ME as a
rather brazen and stupid thing to attempt-to-do, but that's just "me."

I know that, usually, the Company that Registered their TRADE MARK first
will have the right to sue any other Company that takes/uses their
Name, and "kick them out" of that Name.

THAT brings-up the matter of WHETHER EMS-Cleveland HAS, in fact,
Registered their Corporate Name as a Trade Mark. THAT I do NOT know.

Continuing along this same vein, we ALL are familiar with how
MANY "generic" and "basic" and "logical-sounding" Corporate and
Business names occur IN GREAT MULTIPLES, Nationwide.
For example,
there must be DOZENS of Restaurants, Nationwide, named "Fisherman's Wharf"
or (very similarly) "Fisherman's Pier" or "Fisherman's Landing"
or "Fisherman's Dock"...and there are SPECIFIC MULTIPLES of some
of these Names. For example, there may be A DOZEN specific and
entirely differently-OWNED Restaurants named "Fisherman's Wharf,"
yet they "live-and-LET-live" so long as they do not POACH and
PREDATE each other's actual, vital clientele or patrons.

...and so forth.

2) Perhaps there is a "Deal" that NONE OF US YET KNOWS ABOUT,
with "EMS-CLEVELAND"...AND...Messers Hudson/Grande? If so, then
it all will "come-out-in-the-wash" at the right, best, most appropriate time.

3) Hudson and/or Grande truly and blithely swiped, stole, filched,
copied, took, and seized the "EMS" (in CLEVELAND) Company Name and
affixed "Rochester" to it, with Malice Aforethought. That is,
they purposefully perpetrated A CRIME by attempting to "piggyback"
upon, "leech" upon and become a "parasite" upon the CLEVELAND Company's Name
in order to 1) deceive, mislead, confuse, bamboozle, and outright fool
Investors...2) AND perpetrate a blatant Market Share-Price manipulation.

IF SO, then they are in HUGE, GRAVE TROUBLE, and the SEC will investigate,
indict, try, convict, and imprison Messers Hudson and Grande.
The "rub" to THIS scenario, of course, IS TO PROVE it.

So Friends, IMO, we should ride and enjoy and yes PROFIT and PROSPER
from this fortunate and fortuitous happenstance...and PRAY, PRAY,
PRAY that this all will shake-out and prove valid, viable, acceptable,
and even LEGAL in the end.

Speaking for myself...I prefer to believe Scenario 1) and/or 2) above.
No real, provable reason...just my Faith in people and in beneficial
(for ALL) outcomes AND benign intentions. Yes, even in THIS business/industry!
Okay, so maybe I'm a "babe-in-the-woods" on such stuff, but in my
25+-year career in the Markets, I have done alright.

That is all.
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02/21/14 11:45 AM

#6807 RE: Slojab #6805

Slo.....I spoke to Steve Miller today. The Charge Card Guys is their website. That is why it matches up. Yes he knows Grande and Hudson. They used to run the Rochester Branch. Mystery solved.

Now it appears they are pursuing same business model since they apparently have this business experience. One mystery unsolved.....why would they refer investors to the website Especially if it is not theirs. So this is truly one mish mosh of confusing events. So now we wait to see if anything tangible unfolds from their business plan or model. And that is the best of what I can conclude to date. And as crazy as this sounds, for old ONCO investors like myself and others, this is better than the complete VOID we have experienced from a non-communicative CEO since May 2010.