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02/20/14 12:39 PM

#395383 RE: Donotunderstand #395382

That's not my thought at all, I was being sarcastic. Seeing all that mambo jambo lawyer jargon never ment anything in this case. Higher powers were at work laughing at all that court paperwork. Like I said many times before and it is just my opinion. There is no magic unicorn or pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In fact I would be very surprised to see more than 25 cents for escrows and $200 for preferreds in a best case scenario. We all know the estate has no money. The time for conspiracy hidden money or secret backdoor deals are over. You have to realize the thieves are long gone, they got away with murder END OF STORY. Would I wish to be wrong heck yeah but I know better. This should have never been allowed to happen but the government turned their eyes the other way for benefit of a few selected people. Be glad you got WMIH thanks to the hard effort of a few bright individuals that fought for our cause, not Suckman of course. Hopefully most people bought under 60 cents. However Im kind of worry the hedgies will want to cash out before me and I lose a good chunk of my winnings, hopefully my timing will be good but I doubt it because Im greedy and lost money before because of that. :-(