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02/11/14 12:35 PM

#4333 RE: flipper44 #4329

I am trying to remember the discussion points by those of us that held CYCC as to why PFS wasn't a success but OS was.

Now that I re-think it, I believe the explanation given the most credence at the time (other than it being random) was that the drug was less caustic and the delivery system (pill form) was more tolerable. So while the patients in the treatment arm didn't see their cancer do any better, they nonetheless held up better.

I know it's been discussed before so I apoloogize for asking, but I don't recall the answer: do the patients who get DCVax-L still get chemo on the same schedule as the control arm? Or is it dependent upon the patient's need for more chemo?

The reason I am asking this is because if the chemo causes more deaths due to its caustic effect on healthy cells, then a patient who gets less chemo should have better OS regardless even if the tumor shrinkage didn't occur.

But since there is good reason to think DCVax-L does cause tumor shrinkage, if the DMC also sees good OS numbers, it could be the tipping point to cause the DMC to recommend an early halt.

I know I'm rehashing the trial and science stuff that others understand better than I do, but I needed to explain it to myself. I'm thinking of buying more shares...


02/11/14 3:37 PM

#4340 RE: flipper44 #4329

flipper, it wasn't IMUC, it was PBMD, it was during a conf call with Matthew Lehman, it must have been about a year ago now but I don't have a link, sorry. I didn't expect a "challenge", you can choose to believe me or not.

Perhaps I was unduly harsh in calling theirs a failed p3 trial since it's recently been knocked back to a P2 and continues. Let's just say results were less than stellar.
This is why I raise the trepidation around these vague words everyone seems to imbue with too much meaning in the absence of more information.
It's all too easy to have your bias confirmed with such statements.

Also, Fat Cat. I apologize if I offended you. Not my intention, I just wanted to point out that if there were misspellings in your source quote (which, you obviously had to retype due to the format) it casts doubt on the source. You have to agree that if the source had spelt "Trials" wrong, it would be cause for concern.