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02/03/14 12:20 PM

#23683 RE: VBgood #23682

Have you ever seen that cartoon back in the day with Chester and Spike...just curious


02/03/14 1:16 PM

#23685 RE: VBgood #23682

Trust me-theres NOTHING I would like more than to be proven WRONG on my analysis of this company.But unfortionately one thing after another leads me to the conclusion that we are now in a salvage operation,trying to recover what we can before we are shut down and taken off the board.[As you drive up the Coquihalla,you'll pass a road called ''Caroline Mine Road''-the site of another ''huge opportunity'' that ran from 50 cents to $50 before it too imploded and disappeared-all that is left is the road to the shut down mine site and some rusting equipment....just one of a thousand broken dreams littering the landscape]

Dreams of PTQ being a ''150K Mid Tier Producer really worth $5 by next summer''have about as much chance as a snowball in Panama''next summer''