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01/29/14 2:00 PM

#79308 RE: JG36 #79301

You are IMHO being far too "creative" about finding "problems" and not remotely enough about seeing very common and dead standard solutions not even requiring any creativity at all.

There is a lot of information in patents and applications. There is a lot more information in lab journals (EVERYTHING that's done is recorded IN INK), computers etc and other records and a huge amount of information in the heads of associates, lab workers [who quite frankly, are very often the one that made the critical breakthrough in the first place (the one who gets the credit is all too often NOT the one that made the critical/essential contribution that made the whole thing work)]

In the stupendously unlikely*1 event that both Dr Diwan and Dr Seymour were killed simultaneously, the company's work would continue on track, with a delay, granted, but not as much as you'd think. There are personnel companies that specialize in supplying temporary replacement CEOs for biotechs (and for other fields as well) with all of the relevant specialized background needed on short notice. And many eager people waiting to fill such gaps (a big chance to be made permanent and step up). This is the 21st century. There are extensive records of what's been done, what needs to be done, what the schedules are etc. Methinks you are reaching very very hard for "problems" and ignoring possible solutions.

Now. Do you know of any specific problems that might actually apply to NNVC?

*1 Quick: name one single company which went bankrupt because a critical person or persons was killed and no one else had the required knowledge or could replicate it! (I'm NOT going to hold my breath waiting!)