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01/26/14 1:44 AM

#53317 RE: bellatrader #53259

Mary, your very welcome and obviously you know what are the best investments for you, but I am only trying to stress being careful and keep emotion out of your buys and sell decisions. Your bottom is you are trying to turn a profit off your investment just like the rest of us.

Best regards, Steve




01/26/14 3:19 PM

#53666 RE: bellatrader #53259

Hi Mary, I got your PM and I am not a subscriber but I will PM you back (during happy hour 4 to 5 pm on friday's for everyone) I will give you some contact info. Please use it.

Regarding your post here, honestly, you could do that with the other $2800 and leave your initial 2MM shares alone but what I am trying to express to you is that you MUST learn the "patterns" of the way penny stocks trade in order to be successful by not letting emotion and greed take over. You must approach your trading decisions with a calculated pre-set set of purchase prices and how many shares you buy of any stock and at the same time a pre determined sell point.

This is the stock market and you are using REAL money (easy to forget when it is just numbers in your trading account) and the stock market can make you lots of money but it can also cost you lots of money. The market is an emotionless machine and it thrives on taking YOUR money to satisfy it's insatiable greed. Trust me on this.

You must ALWAYS preserve your initial investment so you will ALWAYS have some money to buy another security and the ability to fight another day.

Since I can't write you personally, here is what is going to happen tomorrow, the price per share (PPS) will run to new heights and your account value on what you already own is going to skyrocket in the morning. It will gap to .0035 at least and then some people will sell and maybe the price will come back to fill in the gap .0028. This is when you would want to buy more shares if you so desire....after this I expect the volume traded to be about 5 million shares a minute for the first hour and the price should reach .004 or higher......this is exactly when you want to think about taking your initial investment money you spent on Friday OFF the table. Once you have done that, just let the remaining shares run to whatever heights they will run to over the next couple of days. You can also cash out some more shares along the way to put cash back in your account.

And by Wednesday you will fully understand what I am talking about here. I am happy I am able to help you out.

Peace out sister