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01/23/14 1:13 PM

#3568 RE: BioInfo #3567

As many of you know I take a different perspective when looking at the potential for DCVax-L and DCVax-Direct.

My personal feeling is even if the results come back "Wall Street" negative with say an efficacy of only 10-15%, what cancer patient isn't going to want to at least try immunotherapy as a possible first resort depending on their staging or at least alongside chemotherapy. Would you want to roll the dice with a therapy with no side effects and according to most research only a 2-3 month turn around period to see if the tumors have responded....or do you want to immediately jump in to chemotherapy where the medicine is far worse than the disease!

I forsee the S.O.C. chart changing dramatically in the near future where Immunotherapy becomes the first plan of attack against cancer...and chemotherapy becomes Plan B.

Just my two cents and another perspective for the potential for this company to be an important player in the fight against cancer for a long, long time.

As a side note, I did invest a small amount of money with the hopes of using that money to fly my wife to treatment. Far less than many of you...

If you are going to eat out at McDonalds, why not invest in the company.