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01/21/14 9:40 PM

#3499 RE: flipper44 #3498

Flipper, Flipper, Flipper, have you flipped?! What the "__" does this mean: "If NWBO has bad results, IMUC is the last man standing in its niche."

IMUC is behind us in this race - and that's a VERY charitable statement. I could care less what they're doing at this point. If big investors aren't investing in us, they sure as sh-t aren't going to go for an investment in a company that just reported failed a hedge no less!

If some buffoon wants to invest in IMUC in case NWBO fails, they're nuts. They should just buy the leader - NWBO. If we fail, so be it. But as cheap as NWBO is, there's no reason to go to the lower level.