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01/21/14 12:32 PM

#23542 RE: VBgood #23541

The REALITY on most of these Vancuver Penny Mining stocks is that the ''easy money'' is generaly made on the ''INITIAL'' promotion.

As time goes by,the sharefloat grows,though ''equity financing[they can't stand on their own feet and survive without it]the story goes stale and speculators move on,and it becomes harder and harder to attract new money often because the company FAILS to live up to ''what we anticipate''and they lose credability with shareholders and the MARKET puts them on ''IGNORE''...eventually,the stock is halted,the company is sold, consolidated and renamed-then remorphes as another ''great opportunity''and the shell game begins all over again.The insiders and promotors don't do this for the good of their health -its a very very profitable game and they live high off the hog-at YOUR expense.YOU lost money?-sorry about that.Next time maybe you won't be so quick to put people who demand accountability on IGNORE[like I used to do before I wised up-my education wasn't free]

My take on PTQ is we are in the dying days,the last gasp before we wake up some morning and see ''HALTED'' beside the symbol PTQ

sound familiar? deja vue