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01/21/14 7:49 AM

#23536 RE: badge792 #23534

PMC is right in one thing- people on a board are attacking each other like its people’s fall that they lost their money.
Hey, wake up - everyone here drank cool aid, some of you may be liked the taste of it and some didn’t complaining about color or smell - never the less you drink it because you thought that you going to make money regardless who is at the helm.
It’s not MJK fault, or anyone else.
Too fr7$#Ng bad- you have no one to blame but yourself.
Grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

Bottoms up, cheers .


01/21/14 8:12 AM

#23537 RE: badge792 #23534

Badge792, those aren't the facts.

I talked to Steve prior to releasing that report, which came out a couple of weeks ago. I suggested he dig a little deeper, which he did not do because of internal pressure. Do you remember his report on the spin out of PDI that the vote of shareholders had already been taken, when no such thing had happened? Steve is a great guy, but not always right, because of his time schedule and budget constraints. But, if you chose to take that report as official that is your choice. Steve did not go to Spain.

1. Did you talk to any member of the BOD since January 1st specifically about LP? I have.

2. Did you talk to anyone in the Ybarra family since January 1st? I have.

3. Did you talk to the law firm that has been involved with LP and other Spanish representations for PTQ since January 1st? I have.

4. Has anyone in your family traveled to Spain to review the situation on the ground since the Annual Report? Some in mine have while, Christmas Shopping in Sevilla and Toledo.

5. Have you actually, personally, read all of the pertinent documents and researched the lines of authority in Andalucia? I have.

6. Have you talked to anyone in Spain in the offices wherein the interview was granted, and looked into any remedies available if in fact they did have final authority? I have.

7. Do you have any actual work experience at an executive level in Spain and even Andalucia? I have.

So Badge792 your post does really neither surprise me, nor upset me. You have apparently no formal education and certainly no legal background, so it is understandable that the concept of "facts" is beyond your reach. No foul.

I too was surprised
at the EFE newspaper article that was also picked up by Reuters, and used by Steve as his primary source. If you recall, I was the one who posted it and brought it to your attention. Immediately I took specific steps to have one of my people look into it.

I would suggest to you, the the issue of LP will be dealt with at the appropriate time if necessary and actually, it is not even close enough to the front burner to be discussed at current management meetings. YOU ARE MISSING WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU AND LOOKING COMPLETELY IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. The major issues before the firm have been dealt with and you will be informed in due time as necessary.

In any case, I trust my judgement and that of my associates , if we are wrong it will not be because we did not spend the money an effort to be involved. We are continuous buyers and expect mid eight figure profits accrued over the long term involvement with Petaquilla chapter is said and done.

You should notice the average size of the trades at the beginning of TSX yesterday. Watch them over the next 14 trading days. I never wish anyone injury or loss, although one poster here asked that I be killed and its in the archive herein. Every seller thinks its over, and every buyer sees a great opportunity. We are on opposite sides. Did you bet on the Patriots, and 49ers also??? I bet on Richard Fifer and our BOD. Time will tell who wins!!! Just don't attack me in the parking lot....IMO THIS IS THE TIME TO BE SERIOUSLY BUYING...don't hurt the young ones by leading in the wrong direction.