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01/20/14 11:49 PM

#23532 RE: badge792 #23531

got to wondering-you know these ''positive''boys who bravely announce they are ''still buying''-Maybe I'm wrong but I wonder has it occured to them they MIGHT have been buying MrFifers OWN stock[part of the 44 million we gave him for the now WORTHLESS Lom Poy]that it now looks like he was DUMPING.....If so-I do hope they THANKED him for selling them his ''cheap''stock

hate to say this but NOTHING here is looking ''positive''.In fact all I'm wondering now is what is holding the shareprice UP as high as it is?Are we going to wake up some morning and see the ''ask'' price at a dime?or will FQ offer to ''take it off our hands'' for 15 cents?Just DON'T say it ''couldn;t happen'' or ''MrFifer would NEVER sell us out''.....
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01/21/14 7:36 AM

#23535 RE: badge792 #23531

It stopped looking pretty when we lost L/P.
We don’t need to read wade’s posts to know how bad things look.
At this point - who cares what Zacks says anyway - were his latest predictions ever materialized?
All he does just repeats what we already know and warns his followers.
Santa is our only hope.