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01/17/14 2:53 AM

#16756 RE: MWM #16755

MWM, I value your comments and insights. keep up the good work.

Aside from the reshuffling of executive control, the issue of defining A-bloc as nutritional supplement vs. drug /FDA interference, is a big issue for the entire medical and vitamin industry.... not just what is happening with A-bloc, but many vitamin supplements, nutrients that help heal illness, and boost wellness in people, its a big issue , a big thorn in the side of Big Pharma and the whole medical money industry. because people have discovered in the last 20 years that not just good health developed with nutritional medicine, but also disease healing can be achieved from a comprehensive nutritional therapy program. and Big Pharma/FDA/and Big Medical industry hates this cultural development.
Its an issue sometimes defined as "disruptive technology"
because it hurts the Big Money Medical system Big Profit system.

There are many examples over history aout how Big Cancer /Money Industry ,thru the FDA/AMA/ Government-FBI , shut down and destroyed the early pioneers who were CURING cancer in the 1920's.( Google:Royal Rife)

In the 1970's , same tragic story, (google: Upjohn + Graviola)

(google :Harry Hoxsey) (google :Stanislaw Burszynski,curing brain cancer.)
etc etc etc etc etc etc

Its a big issue the problem with breakthrough technology that disrupts the entrenched system.

(google:Max Gerson) so many examples.

Now, google :CODEX+ vitamin prohibition laws)

This is what the government system in Europe has in place to prevent access to nutritional healing . Coming to a local country in north America. some day.

So now you have a very healing curative nutritional supplement/medicine, natural substance.....Antabloc. and its getting attacked by the FDA and the power of Big Pharma and the big money system behind it.
If it wasn't happening to A-bloc, it would happen to any other supplement like it. How about Cannabidiol, the chemical molecule in Cannabis oil that kills cancer cells.
and on and on and on.

Understanding the historical background of the medical industry and its money making system, is the background to the conflict happening about anatabloc and whether it is defined as a drug,or a nutritional supplement. and the claims they can be allowed to make on their bottle.
I'm a vitamin junkie,on a comprehensive nutritional program, and I can name at least a dozen healing herbs and vitamins and supplements that have a more healing effect than pharma drugs, But the FDA forces the manufacturer not to make any claims of certain healing effects or cures.
For people who take these vitamins and know first hand how they recover from illness because of their nutritional medicine program, its like a joke to think the FDA puts a gag on any healing claims. But people have woken up to the dangers of Pharma drugs and the benefits of natural healing supplements...and that bothers the Big Money medical system a lot.

STSI could lose this battle against the FDA. Just like Harry Hoxsey did, Royal Rife did, and all the others who have been stifled by the entrenched system.

The other biotech companies trying to develop their cancer cures in a new disruptive technology that bypasses the Big Chemo/money system...they will hit endless roadblocks as well. at least here in the USA, until the system is made ready to incorporate the new technology in some way that allows the Big Money to keep flowing into the system. Maybe that will take another 20 years. while every other nation in the world is developing ,approving, and using new technologies to actually cure cancer, and the USA will be the last nation still not curing cancer. or curing diabetes, or curing whatever the big money making diseases are, because, its a no-brainer ,if you actually create a real cure for the money making disease....then Big Medical industry cant keep making money off it, right?
very sad to imagine it/ But look, there is already a big travel industry focused around Medical vacations. people travel to other countries to get their diseases cured, because they are not allowed to be cured here.

Maybe the hope for STSI will become developed in Dublin, not Florida.