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01/13/14 12:24 PM

#23444 RE: VBgood #23443

where would we even get another gold property?-and even if WERE -with this managements credability record-plus the MASSIVE DILUTION factor hanging over our heads-WHO would be willing to BAIL US OUT for the PAST abysmal business decisions that brought us here in the first place?or maybe ''our friend''MrFIFER has another ''great opportunity''to sell us...all we have to do is issue a few million more shares-right? [a finders fee will be paid]

I say best sell what we can while we still have some time-and last but not least-cut off MrFifers very generous remuneration package and expense accounts.....all that is doing is adding to the bleeding

and heres a question for you number crunchers-given that the strategic land position and gravel were ALWAYS there-precisely WHAT DID WE GET* for all the shares we issued from the HIGH point of the stock-the day Copper was spun out and sold?[I know what MrFifer got-but what did YOU get?]seems to me all we got was a steadily declining shareprice that coincided with the massive dilution-about 400% from the time we had 60 million shares outstanding-which translates into 4X the current shareprice.....meaning a $1.20 share THEN is now worth 30 cents NOW...heck of a deal....

* I know EXACTLY what we got for the 44 MILLION shares we issued for the Lom Poy which we have now lost-ZERO,DENADA,ZILCH-its gone-we;ll NEVER extract an ounce of gold from it-MrFifer fared somewhat better-looks like a LOT better...
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01/13/14 12:35 PM

#23445 RE: VBgood #23443

2 and 3 never came to fruition, so why you would even list them is a mystery. If I told you there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow I suppose you would believe me.

1 and 4 don't mean a hill of beans in reality. What significance location is irrelevant and government connects is of minimal significance at best.

You drank the Kool-Aid like all the others here plain and simple. Just admit it.

The only saving grace to this point is if they can get some money out of FQM and that's still to be determined.