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01/12/14 9:10 AM

#3339 RE: john1045 #3337

Among the various interesting details in that study, I can't help but focus on the differential response analysis. Yet again, a study demonstrates how critically important it is to target ALL the antigens expressed (or as many as possible) by a patient's cancer. SCIB1 is based on TRP-2 and gp100, and while it was remarkably effective against most of her tumors, it was useless against the metastasis that didn't express gp100 (fortunately it was surgically resectable). Which brings us right back to NWBO and how neither DCVax-L nor DCVax-Direct is initially limited to one or a few antigens, instead picking up whatever signal is available. It might be less efficient but the approach seems to be fundamentally more resilient in the face of a highly adaptive enemy.

As difficult as it is to remain patient with the NWBO timeline, studies like this from other (competing even) companies validating NWBO's core premise/differentiation really help pass the time in an encouraging way.

Thanks for yet another enlightening post.
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01/12/14 12:21 PM

#3342 RE: john1045 #3337

Thanks for posting the Scancell article. It appears they are using DNA injected into the patient which then expresses antigens which are then taken up by dendritic cells. Quite a different approach than NWBO but very similar in that dendritic cells are the immune system target, but again different (and more like IMUC) in that they are using predetermined antigens. Will be interesting to follow their testing. They have found that some patients' tumors lose the targeted antigen expression, which makes sense. I had to think, gee, it's too bad they're not using NWBO's approach. They could just prepare a new batch of vaccine using lysate from the new tumor growth ( except there would probably already have been some of those DCs from the original prep anyway and the tumor would never have come back)
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01/12/14 2:16 PM

#3344 RE: john1045 #3337

John, many thanks for that article. And gpb, for your thoughts on it.
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01/12/14 9:01 PM

#3346 RE: john1045 #3337

Great to see a study like this. Thanks, John. As always, I appreciate the posts by people digging for relevant information. And for those willing and able to add their analysis of the scientific stuff - gpb/DrChuck/Flipper, thanks.

It adds to my optimism to see how good their results were. And if the NWBO approach is superior, as we think it is, then bring on the DCVax-L and Direct results! Whether it's days, weeks, or months until we see results, the wait should be worth it.

As Flipper pointed out, it's an encouraging sign to see all the presentations planned in the next few weeks. It's no guarantee that the trial results will be good, but the company is eager to get the story out and take questions - and meet with people privately if they request it.

I was invested with a company that cancelled a presentation prior to bad results being announced. NWBO is doing the opposite - and Linda knows the Direct results to date.