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terry hallinan

01/09/14 9:19 PM

#837 RE: upshegrows #836

On marijuana to upshegrows, et al.

Marinol is an FDA approved synthetic marijuana in pill form that has been around for decades - but you can't buy it. It was a market failure despite superb medical uses mostly because of an extreme high that even potheads found objectionable.

INSY, the most successful new IPO to date, is taking a crack [no pun] at reintroducing it in liquid form instead of Marinol's pill, with somewhat dubious prospects IMHO.

Fellow in California who was licensed by the state after voters approved medical marijuana sunk a small fortune into producing and selling marijuana for medical use only with a doctor's prescription got a 20-year mandatory sentence after he was convicted of being a drug dealer. Jurors were angry that the court would not allow them to know those details.

The whole matter smells of a legal opium parlor in Bangkok that I visited long ago, and they do really smell. The parlors were legal but the cops made their money off opium runners who were not legal.

Legalization of marijuana, besides allowing treatment of cancer patients with nausea and extreme loss of appetite, preventing some blindness, reducing or eliminating tremors of various diseases and hypothetically treating brain cancer, would be a mortal blow to many drug gangs and reduce the income of politicians and many money-laundering banks.

Seems like a good idea to me but I would sell Alterrus as soon as I was able if they decided to do good with the Weed for obvious reasons.

BTW I have never smoked a joint or puffed on an opium pipe but there are those who refuse to believe it.

I hear it's a lot of fun.

Best, Terry


01/10/14 10:08 AM

#839 RE: upshegrows #836

Producing medical marijuana would not jeopardize their B Corp status. If it is a legal venture, then it wouldn't go against it. Actually, Institute B might even be up for it with the added publicity it would bring. So of all the reasons against Alterrus jumping in, this is a pretty weak reason.