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01/09/14 3:26 PM

#640 RE: Sone #639

To be honest, I have been in this stock for so long that times like these do not scare me at all. At first when we traded a few hundred shares a day and the price fluctuated between 1.50 and .2 it was scary.

Then as time went by, I saw the same things happening. The demand here sometimes gets to be so low that, whoever wants to sell is forced out to a lowball bidder. A few hundred shares have taken my position down 20-50 % time and time again...

But the stock has always recovered from those hits so I realized to embrace them and be a buyer when someone is stupid enough to sell me shares that low.

Like yesterday.. and today again if it happens...

Earnings are what drive PFIE not PR.... The profits have only increased since I got on board here and I expect nothing less in the future... The only question ever asked of these guys is if there was over expansion when they moved to the US and spread their margins so thin...

I think they answered that question in spades.... They are kicking azz and still growing....

This has never been a quick flip for me. I started with the 5 year plan to see 3 a share.... I'm already ahead and it's now the 15 year plan for 20.....

I will take slow steady growth over the course of a lifetime as opposed to a quick hit and run any day.
I will also take my quick hit and run money and buy anything these fools want to give me below 2.8.....

$PFIE will be here when the one hit wonders are but a distant memory...