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01/02/14 4:15 PM

#3172 RE: flipper44 #3171

I agree with you and it is just too bad that S.A. publishes articles written by (sorry) amateurs. They are mixing up facts and it is true that they don't understand much about the science. We need more 'Larry Smiths'.

A while ago, I wrote for 5 years -in French- in student newspapers and never would I write a piece without making sure I mastered the facts and knew what I was talking about.

So, what are you waiting for... you and a few contributors here, who can easily recognize themselves. You guys should be writing on S.A.

Regarding your predictions... 'by 2014/2015, there is a real chance we will see an effective broad-spectrum cancer vaccine based upon DCVAX technology!' with a pps btw 200$-400$.

You exposed your points very well, on both L and Direct...
This is the best case scenario and it is totally realistic.
I can't add much to your arguments... knowing L has been used for compassion and has been tested in a few different trials... and knowing an old and less potent version of Direct was used more than 10 years ago and showed spectacular results on 10 people...

Knowing Liau lost her mom from brain cancer, and has been on a quest since then to find a cure or something close...
Personnally, yes I believe that this small team of people, and Linda as the cornerstone has a very big chance to bring what mankind has been waiting for years. I believe much more in people working years behind the scene than people going for fame and showing off.

So yap, I also think by mid 2015 NWBO will have more than a 10b mc.
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01/02/14 4:17 PM

#3173 RE: flipper44 #3171

I think this just shows how fast this thing will take off once we get a some real good news.