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12/28/13 9:52 AM

#23189 RE: badge792 #23188

hard to say,but from a dilution factor,its too little too late.Would I put money into this sink hole?-probably not....would anybody else, given the number of good opportunities available right now?-probably not....the only people I can see throwing good money after bad are those who are desperately trying to keep the ship afloat long enough to beach it and salvage something.Our only hope is for FQ to buy us out-and why should they step up to the plate NOW when all they have to do is sit back and wait for it to fall into their lap LATER?Its not like we were bargaining from a position of strength....when you don't pay the bank,that means THEY hold the cards,NOT us,and THEY call the shots-NOT us.

I haven't liked what I see for a long time-since Copper was sold,that was when I lost confidence and it looks like I wasn't the only one and the price of gold going through its normal[and predictable]boom-bust cycle only exacerbated it[check the chart,its NOT lying,and no,you can't put it on ''IGNORE''] ...I just don't trust the management to do anything other than feather their own nest-and that all culminates to bring us to where we are-in a tail spin heading down