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12/27/13 2:24 PM

#3048 RE: ou71764 #3047

I truly wonder how the doctors and scientist feel about these articles that are being written by people who you know barely understand the science of how these vaccines and cures work. (that includes me, I barely understand half the comments coming from posters on this forum but I appreciate the insight greatly).

I truly hope NWBO is on the edge of something very exciting and with the information I've been able to gather, the only people down playing the science part of this company are ones who majored in business or economics not biology, chem. etc.

BTW thank you everyone who contributes to breaking down the science side of NWBO and putting it into layman's terms for the rest of us!

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12/27/13 2:51 PM

#3051 RE: ou71764 #3047

Put a comment in under BradK to give a more complete picture:

"This is a very incomplete and misleading article.

You praise the CLDX CDX-1127 1-biomarker approach, while lumping together IMUC's ICT-107 6-biomarker approach and NWBO's DCVax-L approach, which uses lysate of the patient's own tumor to target ALL the actual biomarkers in the tumor. You also ignore DNDN's Provenge, a 1-biomarker DC vaccine that was approved in 2010 and did $250M sales last year.

You correctly praise the broad market possibility of CYTR, but ignore that by using the patients's own tumor, DCVax is applicable to ALL solid tumors. You also ignore that NWBO has a 2nd DCVax platform, DCVax-Direct, targeting inoperable tumors where the tumor's biomarkers are picked up in the tumor inside the body by injecting primed autologous DCs into the tumor, thus adding inoperable solid tumors to the market possibility.

You cover cash balances and use, but you ignore catalyst timing, which you should know for small biotechs are game changers as to stock price and consequent dilutive effects. You also ignore that much of NWBO's spend has been to get approved manufacturing sites in place in the US, Germany, and the UK, all of which are participating in the Phase III DCVax-L trial. In fact, the NIH in the UK has made the DCVax-L trial a national priority there.

The unblinded NWBO DCVax-Direct Phase I trial started last June at MD Anderson, and first data is imminent. As well, the 1st interim analysis result of the Phase III DCVax-L trial is in progress and due by Feb. These 2 catalysts will propel the NWBO pps to a much higher level very soon if success is seen.

As you may surmise, I am long NWBO. I also may get long CYTR; thanks for bringing that to me. You may be correct that DCVax will fail, and I'm willing to hazard that since I think it unlikely. But an article such as you wrote is not helpful given it tells such an incomplete picture. Investors should at minimum know the full picture before making a decision. "