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04/25/03 10:38 PM

#11143 RE: excel #11142

First of all I want to thank you for taking the time to go to lunch with Brad. I also thank you for taking the time to type it out.

One thought I have is this...

Every time I talk to Ray on the phone I get the feeling that he is a dedicated guy that has made a few stupid mistakes in the past. After awhile of reading the boards I start to get the feeling that he is crooked in some way. But then I call again and my gut tells me yet again that he is a good honest fellow. It's been back and forth for awhile on that and I think others may feel the same. The bottom line is Ray has done an excellent job of keeping the company going and that's no easy task. I commend him for that. I challenge anyone here to show that they would have done differently and gotten the desired effect of keeping the doors open. I personally think he's been in the penalty box long enough but he will likely stay there until investors can see that his overly optomistic timelines of the past are just that...the past. They wil need to see their money back and I know Ray is reasonable enough to understand that. He's a good dude though in my opinion it has just taken awhile to see that again. Again, thanks for the post. Best, Elder.
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04/25/03 10:38 PM

#11144 RE: excel #11142

thanks excel for a fine and the board really appreciate you taking your time to meet with Brad.

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04/25/03 10:44 PM

#11145 RE: excel #11142

One question I forgot.

The 4 to 8 month timeline. Is that a timeline you are still holding to?

Yes! We are in the evaluation process. Things to come will be price points,volume of chips, packaging, etc.

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04/25/03 11:08 PM

#11148 RE: excel #11142

Thanks Excel. You dun' good!
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04/25/03 11:16 PM

#11150 RE: excel #11142

Thank You Excel
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04/26/03 12:45 AM

#11151 RE: excel #11142

Great job Greg!!! Thanks for the update!eom
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Cotton Ginner

04/26/03 1:03 AM

#11153 RE: excel #11142

thanks excel great post harlan
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04/26/03 10:30 AM

#11154 RE: excel #11142

Thanks excel for trying to inform fellow shareholders. Things sound good. However, I've heard on many other occasions "good-sounding" words in regard to NVEI. The old saying, "actions speak louder than words" is what I'm reserving my judgement on. But thanks again for your effort to inform.
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04/26/03 11:43 AM

#11156 RE: excel #11142

Thanks excel,

Still long and strong !!
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04/26/03 12:05 PM

#11158 RE: excel #11142

Thanks for the information Excel; it helps to bring back some confidence in this investment. Was there any mention of revenues from the tech for this year? Thanks Again!
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04/26/03 9:06 PM

#11163 RE: excel #11142

OK. You're not going to like this...

Dons flameproof underwear...

This is *exactly* why I do not call the company when I have serious doubts and questions. Here we have an example of a shareholder who was becoming disgruntled and frustrated with the way things are going. He spends some time with the CEO, learns *nothing* new, and suddenly he believes that everything is just dandy.

Before I go any further, let me make it clear that I am in no way trying to insinuate that Brad, Ray, or anyone else is in any way dishonest. Having said that, we should all be aware that there are a *lot* of people in this world who are incredibly personable, exude confidence and have an honest demeanor, yet will steal you blind when your back is turned.

The way to judge a company is not how confident the CEO seems, or how personable the COB is, or how smart the consultants are. The way to judge a company is by what they *do*.

Brad asked me concerning the past with Ray how long must he stay in the penalty box?

That's a good question. Before I give my personal take, I would like a few questions answered. First, I want to know if Ray had anything to do with the off-shore "consultants" that we gave so much money to. Second, I want to know what we got for our money from those off-shore "consultants". In short, I want to know if Ray is still commiting "fouls". You can't get out of the penalty box if you keep cross-checking your shareholders.

Next, I would like to know what Ray feels that he does that deserves his lofty salary, especially when his company is on the verge of bankruptcy, has no revenue, and must dilute its shareholder value by millions of shares every month. Every month, we must dilute by over 100,000 shares just to pay Ray.

According to Forbes, the median salary for a CEO for companies with revenues of more than 50 million and less that 350 million is about 240K. Why does Ray feel that he deserves more money than the CEOs of *successful* companies?

With all of the shares that Ray has, if this thing goes where they *say* it will go, he will be a billionaire. Why does he need to gouge the company now. Does he think he earned it?

Yeah, I'll let Ray out of the penalty box - as soon as I get my questions answered.

He is currently deferring all commisions due to him under his employment contract.

How big of him. I'll have to go back and read his contract to see exactly what commissions he is deferring.
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04/27/03 12:27 AM

#11166 RE: excel #11142

Excel, Thanks for the information on your meeting with Brad. I felt the same way about him. As a litigation attorney people try to bs me every single day. After 14 years I've gotten pretty good at recognizing when someone is full of it. I was impressed with Brad..which is why I am holding. Thanks again.
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04/27/03 7:23 AM

#11169 RE: excel #11142

It is funny Spoke, you read Excel's message and saw one thing. I read it and saw a complete different viewpoint. That is because we are different personality types first off. I am sure Spoke you are more analytical and I am more expressive. (The formula I am using here is make a plus sign on the north post put task, on the south post put people, on the west post put less aggressive, and on the right post put more aggressive. By asking to simple questions about a person is he more aggressive or less, and is he more people or more task you can get the basics of their personality type. The upper left quadrant is analytical, the lower left quadrant is amiable, the upper right quadrant is driver, and the lower right quadrant is expressive.) I am curious if I am right that you are an analytical? The bottom line is we saw it different and above is probably why.

This is how I saw it. The very first thing that Excel said was:

Before we get started with Q & A let me say this about Brad.

Many years ago I use to play cards sometimes for 10 hours straight for over two years. During that time I learned a lot about body language, voice hesitation, along with other basic human nature tell signs.

My conclusion on Brad is he is a straight shooter with no hype!

He answered all questions and when he couldn't answer he gave valid reasons why imo.

I found that very important. As life in my opinion is a game and we are all game players Excel points out that he is a game player as well and knows how to read people. Not only that he backs it up with letting us know that at one point in his life it is basically all he did which was where it got the most credibility in my book. What it said to me was that when he was asking or listening to these questions he was reading every single sign or move Brad was making. He was looking for lie signals and there are many. He concluded that there was no BSing going on!

You mentioned nothing-new Spoke. It was news to me when he answered he is working on several big financing packages. I mean "WOW" I was happy to hear that! A couple other things that I found new and interesting were that they have a "plan" beyond EMBARQ. . I mean "WOW" I was happy to hear that as well! Another thing I found interesting (I was wrong in my prior speculation) was that they do not plan on relying on the movie for financing. They must think the best way to get the most money is to keep a vested interest. (I am just speculating again as I am totally aware I know nothing about selling movies) Were these not all new things that we had not heard before?

Excel I do not see why you feel the need to explain a simple informative post that you made. Do not let all the Doubting Thomases get you down. I would speculate that the majority of the people reading the hub do not post and very much enjoyed your insights. I personally felt that it was better than any PR as I was getting first hand knowledge from someone I trust.