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12/24/13 12:34 AM

#6030 RE: jstorm #6029

The fair value market cap of AFYG is about $1 mill i.e. sub penny.

Based on what extensive due diligence?
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12/24/13 12:49 AM

#6033 RE: jstorm #6029

actually you're wrong- was already aware of it and had discounted as a scam site because of the way my browser acted when I went to the site- and didn't post it here because of that.

[Wednesday, December 18, 2013 2:51 PM] KnowProphet: that link you gave me gets blocked as an unsafe site- I didn't open it
I'll have to google it and find it direct if possible. seems like a malware site to me, have to do some more research

The more research I did the easier it was to see it wasn't worth pursuing- I only bring good DD to the board if I can help it, others tend to Spray and Pray.

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12/24/13 1:15 AM

#6039 RE: jstorm #6029

Oh, I am sure IHUB is going to love you for the link you provided
as well, considering it's a huge violation of the TOS and the site
is full of malware and viruses.
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12/24/13 10:45 AM

#6086 RE: jstorm #6029

Cambalache Project Highlights

Currently in production from one level with a second in development

Project is generating revenue

Three identified low sulfidation veins with demonstrated dimensions:

Widths: 0.5 m – 10 m

Lengths: 500 m

Heights: 250 m

Reported grades:

Lead (Pb): 11%/ ton

Silver (Ag): 15 oz/ ton

Varying levels of Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu) as potential products

Reported high grade Silver (Ag) ore shoot was developed at depth. In the late 1980’s, direct shipping ores were produced (200 oz – 500 oz/ ton; (*to be confirmed).

Project has mining, environmental, social, and plant permits