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12/19/13 1:42 AM

#215311 RE: F6 #215262

CUFI Speech - Glenn Beck

Published on Jul 23, 2013 by Glenn Beck

No description available. [with comments]


Christians United for Israel


Glenn Beck & John Hagee End Time Bible Prophecies

Published on Apr 3, 2013 by MrEleutheromania

No description available.

[apparently dates from late '07 or early '08 -- Hagee's (revised) "In Defense of Israel" came out 9/7/07 ( ); the show is Beck's pre-Fox Headline Prime on CNN ( )] [with comments]


IS OBAMA THE ANTI-CHRIST? | Biblical Analysis by John Hagee

Published on Apr 3, 2013 by thejimmyzshow [with comments]


The Real God: An Epiphany

Uploaded on Aug 11, 2011 by DarkMatter2525 [ ]

Because I was constantly being told that I'm rejecting God, and I knew that wasn't true, I decided to research rejection, which made me aware of its effects. My studies took me in a completely unexpected direction. The epiphany (pun intended) was rather shocking. The evidence indicates that the personal god is a manifestation of the ego, which explains a plethora of theistic tendencies, including their typical dislike of atheists, who theists subconsciously perceive to be rejecting a part of themselves. God is Tyler Durden; and the first rule of Jesus Club is you have to talk about Jesus Club. The second rule of Jesus Club is you have to talk about Jesus Club. [with (approaching 29,000) comments] [(linked in) and preceding and following]


After The Rapture

Uploaded on May 21, 2011 by TheThinkingAtheist

It happened before the expected time of 6pm, but Harold Camping's May 21, 2011 prediction has come true. Everything has changed. It is now a world without Christians. [with (over 15,000) comments]


N.B.: part 1 of a piece-by-piece repost of the post to which this is a reply; remaining parts, in sequence, begin with upcoming reply to this one, and so forth from that one


12/19/13 11:43 AM

#215352 RE: F6 #215262

Beck: Ted Cruz 'May Be Our Ronald Reagan'

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Wednesday, 12/18/2013 3:42 pm

Imagine a scenario in which, during the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia next year, President Obama walked out at the front of the US Olympic team, arm-in-arm with two openly gay athletes.

How would the Religious Right react? More importantly, how would Glenn Beck react?

Based on Beck's past reactions to things Obama has done, it is pretty safe to imagine that he'd savage Obama as an incessant narcissist, intent on making the entire opening ceremony about himself and his efforts to promote his progressive, Marxist agenda.

So it was a little confusing to listen to Beck rip Obama on his radio program today for not attending the Olympics but instead sending a presidential delegation .. .. that includes several gay athletes, claiming that he's doing so only because he's mad at Vladimir Putin "because he schooled you and embarrassed you on Syria."

Calling the delegation "nursery school stuff," Beck declared that Putin "eats people like you for breakfast" and asserted that the entire nation of Russia is "mocking you and laughing at us."

Instead, Beck suggested that Obama should show up unannounced at the opening ceremony and enter flanked by two gay athletes, because that would send a message!

But, on the bright side, Beck said .. .. that Obama's feckless weakness is making Americans ready for a strong, decisive leader like Ronald Regan again ... one who just might happen to be named Ted Cruz.

"Ted Cruz may be Ronald Reagan," Beck said. "He may be our Ronald Reagan because that guy does not take prisoners. That guy is a thousand times smarter than 99% of the politicians I have ever met - and many of them combined. Really smart. Plays for keeps. Knows what's true. Is clean, is ethical. I mean, that guy might be Ronald Reagan":

Because President Ted Cruz would absolutely walk out arm-in-arm with two gay athletes during the Olympic opening ceremony!


Now, what about your first video in which Beck said at the CUFI meet he had the napkin which was beside Hitler when the bomb exploded? ,, i thought, c'mon Becky baby, you're kidding aren't you that you know it is authentic? .. then thought there is a infinitesimally small chance it could be, knowing Beck he would love to have it if one exists so i wandered .. did Beck get his prop from these people?


KARL-JESCO VON PUTTKAMER (1900 - 1981) German rear admiral and naval adjutant to Adolf Hitler. Puttkamer was badly injured on July 20, 1944 when the bomb exploded at Hitler's headquarters in Bavaria. In the last days of the war, Puttkamer was ordered to the Berghof to destroy Hitler's papers there. We offer an intriguing relic, a 15 1/2" x 15 1/2" linen napkin that shows clear evidence of violence and what very well may be blood stains. The napkin, which bears a somewhat indistinct Nazi eagle emblem at one corner, has been perforated in multiple widely-spread areas in very irregularly-shaped patters. These holes are inconsistent with normal wear and tear, and in a few cases, when the napkin is folded, some holes align with each other. One could speculate that these punctures were the result of shrapnel-like flying projectiles. The staining on the napkin is entirely consistent with that of old blood, a dark copper color where blood was heaviest, lighter and with "streaks" where the napkin was folded to wipe blood from the affected area. This is further borne out by the fact that two of the round stains perfectly mirror each other, showing that the napkin was folded when a large blotch of blood has been freshly deposited upon it. When tested with hydrogen peroxide (a standard field test for blood), the test was positive. The napkin was found in a period envelope with snap bearing contemporary ink handwriting: "Konteradmiral v. Puttkamer". Also included are two printouts of Bundesarchiv photos of Puttkamer in the hospital being greeted by Hitler, and an SS officer displaying a pair of pants totally shredded in the explosion. This relic was discovered in a box lot military autographs sold at an estate auction with no other provenance available. Of course, short of a DNA test and an eyewitness account, there is no solid proof of this item's history, so we estimate it as a curiosity only.

Beck also had his 'authentic' Hitler napkin here

Beck brings Quran, Nazi school manual and ‘Hitler’s bloodstains’ to talk radio convention


12/24/13 5:29 AM

#215632 RE: F6 #215262

American Gets One-Year Sentence for Spoof Video in United Arab Emirates
December 23, 2013 [with the above YouTube, , embedded; no comments yet]


(linked in) and preceding and following


12/24/13 4:58 PM

#215647 RE: F6 #215262

"Thomas Jefferson created the Marines for the Islamic pirates that were happening."

Glenn Beck on Friday, January 29th, 2010 in his Fox News program Beck
claims Marines were created by Thomas Jefferson to combat Islamic pirates

On his Fox News program on Jan. 29, 2010, Glenn Beck was providing a history lesson on progressives in U.S. politics when he made the point that the difference between progressives and the Founding Fathers is that the founders thought the United States "should be Switzerland. We should stay out of everybody's business, be friends with everybody."

"I mean, if you're going to mess with us, we're going to pound you," Beck said. "Thomas Jefferson created the Marines for the Islamic pirates that were happening, right?"

for mine Beck was lucky to get a half true here ..

Note, Politifact made no mention of Beck's blaming Muslim extremists for the leatherneck tag as Beck did in your video of his keynote at CUFI 2013, so maybe that 'spice' has been added to his Barbary 1st foreign war fiction since.

In your video ..
.. Beck said (about 13:01) .. the leathernecks were there 'so Muslim extremists could not cut their heads off' .. it sounded a bit 'out of it' so i checked and it seems the 'so their necks could not be cut off' is just more Beck bullshit .. according to this anyway the leatherneck was in fact created to improve Marine posture on a horse .. ..

Apparently Beck likes his Barbary pirate/leatherneck fiction (unless i'm missing something, and i'm wary as i can't find any other questioning that story) .. here it is in another of his keynote addresses .. at an NRA shindig, May 2013 ..

Yup the who carries on about us STILL fighting the extremist Muslims is the same guy who says ..

“We’re all in the boat together,” he said. “We have to be beyond religion.”

One other on the CUFI speech ..

Beck: America Was 'Established For The Establishment Of Israel'