Thanks. Your opinion and analyses are top-on IMO. If you where at PJ then you have even a stronger base to write what you wrote then all others on this board.
Surprised about the 150 vs 100 centres. If they can indeed play that out then we need only 2 patients per centre to reach 50% of the total enrolment. It is clear that in that case they intend to speed things up.
Do you by any coincidence happen to have heard, at PJ, information about the price per patients (the 100K$) and if it is a fully budgeted price (from preparation, over enrolment, up to and including processing the results and presenting them to the FDA)?
Agree about the loan. They called it a "small complementary loan" and indeed Avid income came up again as collateral. (it changed after they got part of that gov contract).