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Blind Mellon

12/10/13 3:44 PM

#13222 RE: junkmanlong1 #13206

First of all thanks a lot for all of your number crunching. I feel like I've picked up a lot of info from your simple formula's. Do you come up with this with a brain more complex than mine or do you find it somewhere. I never found it looking at some of the court documents.

I've got a question though. In your last example where someone had 1000 shares of AAMRQ, your two numbers came out somewhat different. If you converted over to AAL shares(603 shares) and then got $25/sh, you'd have $15,075 On the other hand, if you just use the conversion to get the value of AAMRQ now, you come up with $13.38 x 1000 shares or $413,380. I figure I'm missing something here.

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02/06/14 5:19 PM

#14909 RE: junkmanlong1 #13206

Hi Junkmanlong! Thank you so much for your analysis!! Just one question. In using your assumptions of $25 per share, what happens if the AAL stock increases, say to $30 per share. Do you receive more or less shares of stock on subsequent 30 day intervals for the original 1000 shares of AAAMRQ?

Thanks for replying!!
