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12/06/13 9:22 AM

#22941 RE: VBgood #22940

PTQ never had hopes and dreams of gold sustaining the 1600 bench mark. Their figure for being "profitable was closer to 1300-1350 if memory serves me correctly. The price of gold has never had any effect on the SP anyhow. In fact, the only thing that constantly hurts us are missed deadlines, no funding, and missed projections, blah blah blah. It never ends.

Have YOU EVER read a PR over the years that you/we have been here that you said to yourself....that was awesome......they really did a GREAT job....I don't think so. They talk a good talk but things don't seem to come to fruition.

I can remember without going over the PR's that there was maybe one or two that the PR started off by saying..." We are very pleased to announce..." THAT NEVER HAPPENS ANYMORE....because there is nothing of value to announce, therefore they are not pleased...follow me ?

Now we seem to be in the aggregate business....what happened to us being a mid tier GOLD player that many of you boasted about....and that is captured on their website. Its all BS. This company will remain small potatoes for a very long time.

Now you mention that we will be stagnant because of First Quantums downgrade.....well, they were not always in the picture you know. We should be able to be self sufficient and survive on our own as well as any well managed company does.

Like I said, the only way they will survive, is to get eaten up by a bigger fish.

Can you see me smiling ????????? :)