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01/29/06 6:22 PM

#7699 RE: Crow3 #7688

"Can an unknown substance be loaded into the machine and the machine identify what it is? if so, how??"

Of course not Crow, but they never claimed the unit could do that... if I'm interpreting your question correctly.

We know that a signature is required to verify a known substance, in other words, the operator tells the machine the med to verify and the unit gives it a pass or fail.

What if you had ten different meds that looked alike and the signature for each med was in the Valimed library.

Can Valimed identify one of the unknown meds without the operator telling the machine what it's checking?

I would think so if the programming was worth it's salt, it would be a matter of searching the library for a match.

Can Valimed deduce the molecular structure of an unknown drug or compound, thereby identifying it?

Absolutely NOT IMO.