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12/03/13 5:20 PM

#148823 RE: Pagan #148811


with all due respect I may have gotten a bit carried away, with enthusiasm, but early on I commended Bear for posting this article on IHub, it is an important article not written for the general public or investors, in fact addressing a specialist(army)audience as such not just another nice piece of information, it carries a substantive assessment of the WASP/BiB.

Since then everybody (well almost everybody)on this forum is appreciating the article and commenting upon it.

Then the company considers it worth sending it to shareholders. And the beat goes on. As I say it in my previous post#148820:

The army likes it and for clear reasons!

"Unlike other aerostats, WASP was operated by Soldiers directly in support of tactical maneuver," he added. "Existing capabilities are not only much larger but are also much less mobile and operated by civilian contractors. Adding a tactical-sized aerostat to the Army inventory potentially represents an inexpensive solution to extend the Army network to the tactical edge without the need for additional Soldiers or the expense and logistics associated with contractors on the battlefield."

So it may not be everybody but just somebody, again forgive my over enthusiasm and thanks for moderating this board, I am a fan.

Best as ever