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11/27/13 6:49 PM

#378012 RE: mickeybritt #378010

The times they are a changing, Nokia is not as important as they used to be, we turn our attention to Apple & Samsung, Nokia will be gravy (that makes me hungry)...have a wonderful Thanksgiving fellow investors and speculators, remember with out speculators this land would have never known the bounty it has nor the mad rush to the Big Box stores...only in America...

the trading doctor

11/28/13 11:34 AM

#378032 RE: mickeybritt #378010


All dues respect but you have remained a staunch believer that nokia will cave and settle and you have not been right any of those times, so my question to the group was what possible outcomes are there because there is no way NOK gives in here so close to the date. Why do it anyway? You think that did all this to give in a few weeks before? they had many chances to settle and they did not and I don't think they are going to be any more inclined to settle now.

I hope your right, but I don't think this will happen as I am sure they have their moves (though remote or grasping at straws) ready when the decision comes down regardless of how bad or good it may be.