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Huggy Bear

11/26/13 9:10 PM

#86 RE: stills999 #82

Hello Stills.

In contrast I do not know much about Heidegger. Of course I read him, was exposed/supposed to, along with F. Neitzsche and the gang. The German philosophers do not strike me like Camus Sartre and Aide, to, a degree, do. It is a matter of preference for the way things are expressed, not the content, as many of the same constructs (or lack thereof) that signify existential thought are expressed, but the style and manner of delivery differ significantly.

I don't think Heidegger went as far as the Existentialists to conclude life is therefore essentially meaningless or a farce.

There are no absolutes in philosophical discussions, at least IMO, but that is not really what I take away in whole from the Existentialists - My overall synopsis would be along the line that life is essentially random, and that external constructs such as as a Universal or Natural Law as it applies to the individual are just that, external, therefore not applicable to every individual. The only truth is the one which exists internally within each individual, therefore one is not bound by any external constructs whatsoever. What is truth, and how this is expressed through action, solely depends on the sensibilities and belief system of the individual and this is equally valid.

A hint about why I think truth is absolute is the unique nature of consciousness. My experiences are UNIFIED within the conscious me in a way that has no physical analog. It is the unity of consciousness that allows comparisons to be observed and truth is bred from this mysterious capability. Thus, our fundamental and unique nature as conscious beings is to be 'truth seekers' ... to deny truth is to deny the special nature of one's self.

Brilliant. I feel the same way. I find that all religions and even agnostic and atheist belief systems adopt and adhere to the existence of a Natural or Universal law. Meaning it exists within us regardless, period. The outliers to this notions are existential and agnostic belief systems and the like.

Existential thought applies to the markets to a great extent as I see it. There is no prescription to feel any certain way about any particular action. In this ethical realm I am free to utilize whatever my intellect and abilities allow me to, free of external restraints. They do not apply because no natural law as it relates to the rest of mankind applies to the me, the individual.

"If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it really fall"?

If sheep were sheared at the market, but no one heard it, were they really sheared?

THE common ground to establish a moral society is to want together to find truth. We need only to care more about truth to care more about others, advance ourselves, and live life more fulfillingly.

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