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11/20/13 2:42 AM

#88795 RE: DesertDrifter #88789

Sept., 2012

President Obama's latest "60 Minutes" interview suggests why he so often uses a teleprompter. Without one, he says the darndest things.

For example, Mr. Obama claimed that Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell had said he wanted to make him a one-term president quote -- "...when I first came into office." In fact, McConnell did not say that until October of 2010 nearly two years into the Obama term.

And McConnell added -- quote -- "I don't want the president to fail; I want him to change."

In another answer, the president said George W. Bush issued more regulations than he has during the same time frame, and moments later attacked the Bush administration for too much deregulation.

There are also Mr. Obama's problems with antecedents, as in response to a question about pressure from Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, as you heard, on Iran's nuclear program, Mr. Obama said he is able to block out -– quote -- "any noise" that's out there.

On the recent events in the Middle East which of course included a wave of anti-U.S. violence that -- among other things -- killed a U.S. ambassador, Mr. Obama spoke of the inevitability of -- quote -- "bumps in the road."

Today, as we've heard, the hapless Jay Carney was explaining that these last two quotes did not really mean what the words clearly say. If that sounds familiar, well it is. That's what Mr. Obama and his defenders claimed when he famously said if you've got a business, you didn't build that.


11/20/13 2:46 AM

#88796 RE: DesertDrifter #88789

More reflections on the first 4 years, and how it's now just more of the same:

Looking back on Obama’s presidency, I don’t remember seeing much in the press about high unemployment or high gas prices. Oh, sure, the media reports on the jobs number when they come out and occasionally mentions high gas prices. What I haven’t seen, however, are the personal interest, tug-at-your-heart kind of reports that the media does when there is a Republican President. You know what I mean. They interview unemployed people who tell you how tough things are for them. They have a hard time making ends meet. Their house may be foreclosed on. They may have to start eating dog food – or maybe even eat the dog. That kind of thing.

And what about reporters talking to people at gasoline pumps who say they are having a difficult time because prices are so high? “Just going back and forth to work costs me $10 or $15,” says one of the drivers. “That’s nothing,” says another. “I can’t even fill my tank. It’s too much money. I have to buy $20 or $30 worth at a time.”

And when will the media note that the inflation rate doesn’t include food and energy prices. Anyone who shops can tell you food prices have increased dramatically. So, where are the reporters in grocery stores showing the prices now and comparing them to the prices three or four years ago? And how about talking to some of the shoppers to get their sad stories about high food costs?

It reminds me of the horrible homeless problem we had when Bush 41 was president. The media regularly showed people sleeping in cardboard boxes or pushing around shopping carts with all their belongings in them. Then Clinton became president and guess what? All the homeless people disappeared. What a coincidence, eh?

And just imagine if this Benghazi incident had happened under George W’s watch. The media would have been all over it. They’d have camped out in front of the White House, the State Department and the CIA until they got some real answers. Where are the young Woodwards and Bernsteins that brought Nixon down and tried to do the same with Reagan in the Iran-Contra affair? Why aren’t they getting to the bottom of the Benghazi cover up?

I’ve been a news junkie since I was a teenager and I have never seen the media so much in the tank for any politician. For the past six years, the MSM has run interference for Obama at every turn. They put him into office in 2008 and want to do it again this year. It’s reached a point where they have no shame. They no longer even try to make the pretense of objective reporting.


11/20/13 3:22 AM

#88797 RE: DesertDrifter #88789

What's been happening in an orchestrated manner under YOUR chosen ONE and BOTH sides of Congress?


11/20/13 10:41 AM

#88814 RE: DesertDrifter #88789

I don't fight it in any way. The quickest and easiest fix would have been to let them sell across state lines and create more competition.

The quick fix would not allow the govt to control us further by compiling tremendous amounts of data and dig deeper into our personal lives. There are laws in place that require insurance companies to maintain confidentiality. The govt has no such requirement and will use the data as THEY deem necessary. That is one of the biggest issues at hand for me. It is another freedom removed from us and it is a big one my friend.

The other is that the govt has NEVER managed anything efficiently and this will definitely be another program that scammers and crooks can use to bilk us even further.

I have yet to understand how anybody would want the govt to manage and control such an important aspect of our personal and financial lives.


11/20/13 10:44 AM

#88815 RE: DesertDrifter #88789

Obama: I Hate It When....

by Karl Denninger
2013-11-19 16:25

..I parade a woman on national television as an Obamacare -cum- Brosurance -cum- Hosurance "success story" and then it turns out that my signature web site lied and she not only didn't qualify for subsidies the price she was quoted was wrong (and not in her favor either) too.

A woman who President Barack Obama cited in remarks last month as an example of what Obamacare “is all about” says she is now facing repeated problems with her own enrollment.

Jessica Sanford, a Washington state resident and self-employed court reporter, has received numerous letters from her state’s exchange program notifying her of increased costs to her plan and tax credit miscalculations, according to CNN.

“Wow. You guys really screwed me over,” Sanford wrote on a Facebook post about the Washington state exchange website. “Now I have been priced out and will not be able to afford the plans you offer. But, I get to pay $95 and up for not having health insurance. I am so incredibly disappointed and saddened. You majorly screwed up.”

Nobody "screwed up" Jessica.

You were intentionally used and abused by the President.

Just like all the others who supported this abject fraud.

Wake up Jessica. You just got screwed out of your health insurance like nearly 4 million other Americans and what's worse is that in about a year 50 million more will get hosed when their employer-provided insurance becomes illegal since it does not cover prostate cancer in women.

Nobody writes a regulation like that by accident and if you don't understand why I'd like to know how in the hell you got out of Junior High, say much less either High School or College.