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11/15/13 2:37 AM

#88528 RE: SOROS #88525

Venezuela now is Obama's fault, eh .. that figures .. no way you can ever make a valid
equivalence between Obama and the youngster Bush .. not on economic performance ..

nor on the opposition they each were confronted with, record filibusters, what
year? .. nor with their forward contribution to an improved healthcare system .. no ..

You Can't Sabotage Obamacare and Then Whine About Its Glitches

Actually I think you're an ignorant ass because you seem to
love false equivalencies and seem incapable of rational thought.


11/15/13 4:03 AM

#88530 RE: SOROS #88525

Corporatism, i agree, i think. Not 100% though as there are many kinds of corporatism.
I know it's a nest for corporates. What kind of corporatism do you have? Oh, you say
Obama brought in socialism. Is corporatism socialism? Or, do you want it both ways.


11/15/13 8:01 AM

#88533 RE: SOROS #88525

Venezuela is a joke. The only reason the stock market is climbing out of sight is the state of their worthless currency. Priced in dollars or Euro's, using the Black Market value of the Bolivar where the exchange rate is about 39/1 (Bolivar/USD) as opposed to the "official" (LMAO) exchange rate of 6.3/1 the market is up about 10%. That's also assuming the baling wire and chewing gum hold, something they shouldn't count on.

The Dork that everyone praised..El Heffe (deceased) ran the economy into the ground, and drove private investors out. The goof-ball who replaced him is marginally WORSE.

I hope the citizenry of Venezuela enjoy their new state of economic affairs, because their one shining commodity (crude oil) is not nearly as precious as it once was...