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11/14/13 9:14 PM

#83945 RE: LeGoose #83944

Well i think what he wants to do is reduce the shares out there by about 50% if he could. He does not like the share structure but he is not liking a R/S. The thing is he would have to have enough shareholders to sign off on a preferred share conversion. However when he sees the distribution just a handful of the biggest holders signing off would be sufficient. Idealy reduction via preferred share conversion followed by a retirement of common shares would be his preferred course of action, coinidently that would also be our preferred course of action to not deal with a R/S. Then again he is also trying to hire a securities lawyer for this very reason. He may find a 3rd option somewhere.

Either way he has been putting a lot of thought into this liquidity issue. Which is coincidently what spawned his reduction in A/S and retirement of outstanding back during the DTCC chill lift... He just never got to complete his desire to reform the SS...

Fortunately he will get another chance to do so. I think Mark will do what it is he can so that the shareholder community involved as well as those waiting dont get turned off! Mark is trying to be considerate and hes motivated to maximize his shareholder relations so he can therefore maximize his companies growth. The key is balance. He cannot grow a company in the movie infustry thats public without us shareholders backing it. We wont back it if he doesnt keep us in mind.

Honestly if he does all of this and we like what we are experiencing he wont have to bottom feed he will be able to raise funds in copper and silver and hopefully one day Green bills!

Will i stick around that long, in all honestly if i see consistant balance i would be foolish not too...


11/14/13 10:30 PM

#83947 RE: LeGoose #83944

What DTC chill?

If MIKP were to be reinstated to the pinks, the DTC chill will automatically be lifted again.