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11/08/13 12:07 PM

#56626 RE: lucmariepierre #56621

That I dont know, however what I said in my post earlier today based on the news we are getting lets make deductive thinking here.

We know there are 2 contracts
We know there are2 pilots (we saw the media news)

So lets assume they sing he other 2 schools, we go into 2014 with 4 contracts. assume each school has 7500 students we have 30,000 students.

Most digital ads runs between .10cents and .25cents

So lets go low end.

Avg student get 4 messages/day (see press releases)

we have 120,000 messages per day at .10cents = $12,000/day $60k per week

$240k/month 1st Q approx. $1ml revenue

Assume Vir2o that everyone keeps making fund of, just make a little inroad in Africa and Brazil and have 50,000 users, we could see another $150k in revenue

Assume EarthSearch continue to slowly grow again and we see $100k in 1st Q

StudentConnect = $1ml
Vir2o - $150k
EarthSearch = $100k

1st Q projected Revenue = $1.25ml

It surely will have its first profitable quarter, and the race will begin. Everyone keep missing the point that development stage is over and this is the time to average down, that's why I have gotten aggressive in posting here to make sure these people dont destroy a good thing for me personally.

They accused me of posting insider information I asked them to show evidence and proof, but n answer, The key is careful unbiased analysis of the business not the stock. You cant project where the stock will go looking at the stock, you have to look at the business itself and track it s progression. Everyone is fixated on the failures of EarthSearch which was the first but just one of 3 divisions. Everybody failed to see Vir2o move form concept to the web, then improved, from 500 users to 3,000 users from desktop to apps. From US to Nigeria and Brazil and everybody will still be complaining when the stock go explosive on us.

The guy is form Nigeria for crying out loud, we will get 50-100k users I am sure in a country of 154ml. Have you seen all the news coming out of Nigeria regarding his trip. Do a search for news abut Vir2o, it will wake you up

They refuse to analyze the difference the 2 new divisions are going to make. That's where we part way in our views. They are stuck and will not get off the past, they will be crying when I will be going to the bank.

They can never factually dispute anything, they immediately go to abusive mode. I ain't buying it. It is time to get paid and I am watching this closely. All diligent research, my man, no fluff, no BS, no emotion, no abuse and no insider info just careful business analysis.