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11/04/13 10:04 AM

#39362 RE: Barney Vissur #39361

Well, the problem is it will cost a hell of a lot of money to maintain a building, staff, utilities and etc. when you are only making a part every now and again. You know as well as I you can't offer competitive pricing when your sole business is waiting for LQMT to bring in some contracts.

Steip probably fed Visser the same midst crap he has fed shareholders for years. Visser probably lost his ass on this deal. LQMT just loses other people's money.

Just my opinion of course. Not trying to argue I will watch how it plays out.


11/04/13 10:10 AM

#39365 RE: Barney Vissur #39361

That sounds like the most realistic scenario possibility I've heard yet. I hope share price is not beat up too much in the meantime. Time will tell.

Watts Watt

11/04/13 10:52 AM

#39378 RE: Barney Vissur #39361

Interesting insights. Worthy to ponder.

Money is always the basis of lawsuits in business.

It seems that LQMT is happy with the arrangements it has with Engel and MTRN for their respective responsibilities, which have grown for each since the inception of the partnerships.

When you think about it, only VPC is caught in the middle of the costing, profit conundrum.

Ultimately, there had to have been a margin tug of war between LQMT and VPC. If VPC's profit goes up, then LQMT has to sacrifice its margins.

One of the biggest mistakes that Steipp made was in the early days of his promotion of liquidmetal on the burlesque road shows. Just like the repetitive mantra, "You can keep it if you want to", over and over again Steipp put out the "100 ounces and $100" buzzwords.

Surely, between the customer, LQMT and VPC, the limited margin confines advertised by Steipp did not allow for proper waggle room between the supply chain components for up front costs, free samples, many test runs (iterations). Guess who had the biggest bite of costs to swallow.....DUH.......Manufacturing.

Perhaps LQMT will prevail, but at WHAT COST?

I have to say again which I have preached for a very long time:

MTRN will be the WHITE KNIGHT that sets LQMT shareholders free from LQMT management. Most of the lucrative contracts for parts made of liquidmetal will be coming from the MTRN sales and marketing team.

Time to move RSM to Elmore, Ohio under the wing of VIDAL and MTRN.
I will gladly take shares in MTRN in exchange for LQMT.

With MTRN, fully vertically integrating the production of value-added liquidmetal products and components, all of the costs along the way will be under the FIRM and not WISHY WASHY control of a management which is serious about making a profit and reasonably soon.

MTRN will only be paying a small royalty to LQMT. I don't think that is what LQMT shareholders ever wanted.

Let's face it, LQMT may control patents, but there is a strict limit to what the market will pay in royalties and licensing fees.

At least with MTRN, we will, as shareholders, have confidence in the management of MTRN to play professional ball in negotiating long term contracts and not depend upon a super stoop and his just out of law school right hand man to make give away deals.