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Burn Notice88

11/03/13 12:25 AM

#14774 RE: TITAN #14762

Difference of Opinion: vs. "ATTention ALL LATF is a HUGE SCAM"

There seems to be some gaps in your analysis that require further clarification...

RE: “Thomas Gaffney HESG and LATF Scam”

Show us the direct relationship between Mr. Le and Mr. Gaffney. Besides a change in leadership in December 2012 (from Mr. Gaffney to Mr. Le) and changing the company direction from a chemical based company to an investment technology portfolio company, I see no other relationship between these two men. I see no evidence of Mr. Nhue Le ever being cited in any of the SEC complaint filings, especially the ones involving Mr. Gaffney.

I also see little to no HESG stock activity between December 2012 into and up to November 1, 2013. So if there is a direct-relationship between these two men, why wasn’t the stock manipulated during this time frame, and why wasn’t Mr. Le indicted in the SEC filing? Why wasn't the ticker shut down? Why wasn't the company dissolved?

RE: HESG and LATF same Transfer Agent
HESG and LATF same Legal Counsel
HESG and LATF same Incorporated State
HESG and LATF same State of address
HESG Contact Info

Regarding the transfer agent, there are only a handful of transfer agents located in California. Pacific Transfer is one of the more popular ones, (located in NV). The overal list for transfer agents is not that large (all securities in perspective).

Regarding the same legal counsel, if there is a direct relationship between the two Le’s (Nhue Le vs. Thue Le) so what? Who cares if they are incorporated in the same state? Who cares if they are located in the same state? Who cares if they have similar contact info. If there is a direct-relationship between these two company officers, what? I find that strength in numbers. I also have yet to find any criminal activity conducted by either Mr. Nhue Le and/or Ms. Thue Le.

In retrospect, I see Mr. Nhue Le and Ms. Thue Le, taking over two separate business entities and changing the business models and keeping the same ticker symbol and company name as the former owners. How is THAT a scam? I do not see the connection...especially if there has been no stock activity on the part of HESG, Mr. Le since he took over as the company officer, CEO, in December 2012. How does that equate to a “SCAM?”

RE: Same Registered Agent
Same Web Hosting

From what I see on OTC Markets for both HESG and LATF, both of these tickers were RE-REGISTERED during the same time last year and in the same state, by two people that have the same last name (so a possible Le relationship here). I do not find it uncommon to have two start-up spin offs from the same family name (small companies do this all the time). What I DO find it uncommon (intriguing and interesting) is that they would GO PUBLIC. Why do small companies Go Public? To raise capital to grow. If the two Le's are related, why not leverage the knowledge pool and web host through the same provider? Btw, who web hosted HESG while Mr. Gaffney was in charge (when there was a different management, a different SIC code, a different business charter and different company strategy? Weren't they in organic chemicals back then?).

I would like to add, that All Three of Latteno's Business Entities are Verified as Registered Businesses:

Validates a merger with Organics, as well.

LATF is a holding company. Physical addresses are immaterial (a virtual office for the HQ is more feasible). The Bill of Ladings from Mekonza validate the business is viable and factual.

3 Business Entities:

RE: GT Capital and the address at 1524 Brook Hollow (this has been debated too):

RE: "I was scammed out of a ton of cash from HESG"

It would have had to have been under the old regime and when there was a different business model.

So bottom line: I’m not seeing enough evidence to indicate a scam is in the making for either the NEW HESG management, and especially not the LATF management. If that were the case, why wouldn't the SEC shut down the ticker symbol since the indictment was served in August? Until you can provide more evidence and proof there’s any illegal wrong doing, I’m holding strong and long!

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04/20/14 2:55 AM

#39696 RE: TITAN #14762

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04/26/14 8:06 AM

#40690 RE: TITAN #14762

ATTention ALL LATF is a HUGE SCAM in the MAKING,LATF and HESG have the same people behined it, I was scammed out of a ton of cash from HESG.And now I seen the same guys doing LATF read below............

Thomas Gaffney HESG and LATF Scam

But the real Person behind these scams are Derek Nguyen
[B]HESG and LATF same Company Officer

HESG and LATF same Transfer Agent
Pacific Stock Transfer Co.

Transfer Agent
4045 S. Spencer Street
Suite 403
Las Vegas, NV, 89119
HESG and LATF same Legal Counsel
Law Offices of Joseph L. Pittera
2214 Torrance Boulevard, Suite 101
Torrance, CA, 90501
United States
HESG and LATF same Incorporated State.
Profile Data
SIC - Industry Classification 2090 - Miscellaneous Food Preparations & Kindred Products
Incorporated In: DE, USA
Year of Inc. Not Available
Employees Not Availabl

HESG and LATF same State of address and 12.9 Miles away from each other
• LATF 6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 600
• Santa Ana, CA 92707

HESG Contact Info
• 14331 Euclid St. Suite 207
• Garden Grove, CA 92843

Google Map below,+CA+92843&safe=active&ie=UTF-8&ei=kw11Utb1N8LIyAHz4oDQAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg


HESG and LATF same Webhosting registry whois registry whois
I've done my DD and it shows that LATF is a complete scam with nothing to do with MJ and they've proven that they file fraudulant filings with OTC Markets. You've been warned.

LATF... basic scam DD...

They file fake financials...

I emailed their Registered Agent...

The filing was moved under the Inactive tab at OTC Markets.

They have actually used a Trademarked brand name to name their own alleged products...

They admitted to it in this PR...

and changed it to another name, Xteno, which is already being used by Xteno Technologies...

LATF claims to have a collective by the name of Green Cannabis Collective(GCC) in California located on Brookhollow Dr....

I contacted Brookhollow Executive Suites and they denied that a collective was leasing space...

Please, feel free to ask them yourself, if you disagree...

There's a dental lab located in the same plaza but, they have a suite number, the GCC does not. I posted pics for another poster that went to the address and there's nothing there...

Here's what they had to say about their little adventure...

Doing a simple search for Organic Valley Coop, you'll find that that name is also already been used and it's completely unrelated to marijuana...

I won't even get into their alleged shrimp revenues. I already spoke to Vu Le

In January, LATF had an A/S of 400M. The next quarter it increased 150% to 1B shares. The OS and Float were subsequently raised also. The very next quarter it increased another 100% to 2B shares. LATF is a dilution machine and the hammer is about to come down.

There's more DD that shows that LATF is a scam. If you want to do some DD on the names of the people involved in this elaborate offshore share selling scam and just some of the companies they have had influence in, here they are....

LATF, HESG, EXMT, UAMM, QOIL, SETY, MLCG, Derek Nguyen, Khanh Nguyen, Khiem Nguyen, Robinson To, Ken To, Thu Le, Nhu Le, Vu Le

its weird how his name keeps popping up every where... has anyone got in contact with mr. NGUYEN?