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01/20/06 7:54 PM

#497012 RE: explorer186 #497004

you have to do some serious DD...
if you follow the buy signals/calls your already too late....
unless they are at the bottom and you happen to get in early...
but again, you have to know the difference between a BS P&D call and a valid upside potential...

I did this for GZFX and now GETC...

when I find them, I confirm them first then I alert the masses...
even before I start buying into it myself, in most cases...


01/20/06 9:15 PM

#497020 RE: explorer186 #497004

explorer186, you are correct sir. The OTCBB market has been very weak since summer. Nov, Dec, and Jan are supposed to be the best months and it has been the total opposite. January is better but when you compare it to past years it is weak. Dunno whats up but there's very little support on the bid side to help run stocks. I made big on XSNX this week but few otcbb's these days run like it did. In my opinion most people who are playing bb stocks are getting killed right now but they won't admit it. My total trades on otcbb stocks have kept going down since August. Like I said January has shown signs of improvement but we are still way off from what the otcbb market normally does. I talked with a guy who's been trading otcbb's for 10 years and he said this is the worst and weirdest period thats he's ever seen. I'm keeping the faith but things are getting harder and harder to make money on. It's like a fulltime job right now with no margin for error. Might as well work a normal job if this is the new market. :(