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10/19/13 10:40 PM

#259436 RE: SOROS #259432

SORS, this I an excellent closing to your post. A good summary.

The Constitution doesn't say that everyone except doctors have freedom and liberty. So long as doctors have the freedom to exit the onerous, humiliating system that is Obamacare, I believe they will take that opportunity. And if our collective national health suffers, too bad

I was a witness to "concierge medicine" several years ago. It works kind of like a private club. You pay for the "privilege" of seeing your doctor. That is on top of regular payment for services.

At the time I'll admit I saw it as greed. It was in an affluent community and the doctor group wanted to weed out Medicare patients and people with low paying insurance plans. Under Ocare, it will become a means of survival.

If not survival , then a means of being paid what their education skill and experience entitles doctor to receive.

Good post.



10/19/13 11:07 PM

#259437 RE: SOROS #259432

which stands for anyone in the healthcare industry

good perspective

any system which promotes wealth over well being

is suspect

and should be held accountable for every sense on that dollar..