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10/16/13 4:38 PM

#17391 RE: zumantu #17328

Hi Zum: Definite kick in the pants today. However, if I can be a sample of one. My Doctor prescribed Vascepa off-label, this was yesterday. If there is a silver lining to any of this it is the forward thinking of Doctors who are cognizant of Vascepa. If and I say if, Amarin can continue to market the drug effectively, then shouldn't we get a major market share of the Marine Market and beyond? Particularly with the Patents Amarin has. Also word of mouth travels fast these days with the internet. Screw BP they may try and low ball Amarin, we'll know more by 7 PM tonight.

Hope springs eternal, the FDA sucks (IMHO), when a drug like Qsymia can be approved with all of it's shortcomings, then the game was fixed.
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10/16/13 11:28 PM

#17564 RE: zumantu #17328


Chacun son sort

To each his own...

":>) JL