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10/15/13 4:18 PM

#6703 RE: ppope #6702

I think it has more to do with spending money we don't have. If you can't get the votes to raise taxes ( and I don't accept the premise that.would increase tax revenue ) then you must cut. Period. We need to leave within our means. Raising the debt ceiling for the 79th time and expecting this time to be different and for spending to go down is insane. Literally. That is the definition of insanity.


10/15/13 4:21 PM

#6704 RE: ppope #6702

You mean obama- care is law? They can't even get people registrred cause sites are broken, why fund something that is broken? How the heck are people going to come up with 80g's for coverage using obama care?


10/15/13 7:16 PM

#6715 RE: ppope #6702

If its law, then why does the president get to decide what and when parts get postponed, put off just to influence next elections

cant have it both ways

oh yea, and there are drug laws that the feds seem to turn a blind eye to so dont give me ITS THE LAW crap

seems to suit you when you want it to


what a maroon