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10/13/13 3:37 PM

#259338 RE: Vexari #259330

Perhaps we worry for no good reasons? Perhaps our definition of "rational" no longer applies in economics? If the US controls the board in the world currency game, can nothing touch them? Logically, this makes no sense to believe that the Fed can push an extra TRILLION dollars, or more, into circulation every year, and have no consequences, but that seems to be the reality for now.

Can anyone find a credible economist who addresses EXACTLY why the Fed and the US cannot just print dollars forever? Even if unemployment goes to 50%, why can't they simply put everyone on welfare programs and print more dollars? Does it matter what the NUMBER is for how much the US is IN DEBT -- 17 trillion, 25 trillion, 50 trillion, 1,000 trillion? Does it even matter?

I know it SOUNDS ludicrous, but those holding the purse strings seem to believe this IS possible. They FEEL untouchable as long as they have that pesky monopoly printing machine. And as irritating as it is, it seems to be working pretty well for the KINGS in DC, doesn't it?

Is this guy 100% right?