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10/12/13 2:02 PM

#87004 RE: Riskreturn168 #87003

Without a Revenue stream it would have been very difficult to avoid dilution. But why dilute to this extreme; he should have taken a much smaller amount now; release positive news and did a deal at a much higher price down the road. Also, I don't understand why they cant just get one Venture capital firm to do the financing...versus having tom, dick and harry to participate (too many hands in the cookie jar).

I would cancel the warrants portion of the financing deal immediately; shareholders wont approve of this deal (if they had an opportunity to vote on it).

The non dilutive money raising method would be based on the latest announcement of hiring Mr. Grimes (to raise $$ via grants); now that was a good decision!
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10/12/13 2:20 PM

#87006 RE: Riskreturn168 #87003

All valid and well thought out points

Nothing I have not thought of from a financial war strategy initiative or upstream funding perspective. Gerald's footprints leave a marked tale to be told. My position is for AMBS to reign in all toxic death spiral PIPE financing upon any/all substantial JV/Marketing/Licensing Agreement he may have, or will expect to have with BD or/=. IMHO, he owes the market, the Street and most importantly, the retail shareholder who have carried the company that much for their efforts and long standing perseverance...
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10/12/13 2:44 PM

#87008 RE: Riskreturn168 #87003

One way Gerald could have avoided the extra 173 million in dilution would be to have taken whatever Licensing Deal BD was offering us a month or so ago. $5 million up front? $10 million up front?

That's an amazing statement/assumption. What evidence do you have that a 'Licensing Deal' was proferred by BD to AMBS?

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10/12/13 3:32 PM

#87010 RE: Riskreturn168 #87003

I wasn't aware that AMBS was offered a licensing deal. I read a lot on this board that assumed that a licensing deal must be in the works, but I don't think we were ever told one had actually been offered. Hope I'm wrong, because a licensing deal, even if rejected, might be some type of incentive for other deals.