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10/18/13 11:45 PM

#212123 RE: SoxFan #211748

Stockman will vote against reckless debt, spending proposal

'A vote for this new spending spree and debt fest is a vote to shorten the burning fuse on our nation’s fiscal bomb'

Press Release
Oct 16, 2013

WASHINGTON – Congressman Steve Stockman released the following statement Wednesday evening:

I will be voting against tonight’s irresponsible proposal to rack up hundreds of billions of dollars of new debt. The federal government is taking in record amounts of revenue. Instead of maxing out our children’s national credit card we need to be more responsible with the government’s current windfall.

A vote for this new spending spree and debt fest is a vote to shorten the burning fuse on our nation’s fiscal bomb. I will not vote for this reckless and irresponsible debt increase.

Sixty-one percent of Americans want spending cuts to be part of any deal on our national debt limit. They agree we cannot continue this suicidal level of spending. They don’t want their children bankrupted by increasing the debt limit instead of using current funds.

I’m doing what I was sent here to do, the right thing.



Spending Cuts and Debt.


Stockman introduces Keep NASA Open Act to shield Agency from shutdown

Press Release
Oct 16, 2013

WASHINGTON -- Congressman Steve Stockman Wednesday joined Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) to introduce the Keep NASA Open Act. The bill would guarantee NASA functions would continue to be funded should an agreement to fund the government not be reached soon.

“I’ve been working since Day One not only to keep NASA funded but restore the billions we have seen cut,” said Stockman. “The Senate may have killed our bills to keep NASA open but this stand-alone bill would protect NASA from this shutdown and put folks back to work.”

“Many members of Congress know firsthand how important NASA is to our economy and scientific progress. I hope this bill is passed and signed into law as quickly as possible,” said Stockman.

Stockman also opposed Obama’s proposal for sequestration of NASA funding. Stockman proposed an alternative to sequester that would fully restore NASA funds.

Stockman is also working to overturn Obama’s closure of JSC’s arc-jet facility, restore manned space flight, increase NASA’s budget, extend use of the International Space Station to at least 2028, restore Mars missions and expand planetary probes.



Space Policy.


(linked in): and preceding and following and preceding and following


10/19/13 8:17 PM

#212143 RE: SoxFan #211748

Steve Stockman’s Resentment of Knowledge: Earth Day Edition

Monday, April 22, 2013 Comments(22)

Houston-area Congressman and exemplar of know-nothing conservatism Steve Stockman has done virtually nothing for his district. On the upside for Stockman, though, he has made a great deal of headway in drawing attention to himself.

So what’s Stockman up to on a busy Earth Day?

Well, he’s not doing anything for the people of the 36th Congressional District, that’s for sure. Instead, Stockman and Donny Ferguson (his blogger/Twitterer) are trying to draw attention to themselves by being flippant and dismissive of the challenges facing the country and the world because of global climate change:

Not a big surprise. Stockman denies .. .. that global, man-made climate change is real. Referring to the Earth, Stockman once said that its best feature is that “if you poke holes in it oil and gas come out.” In 2009, Stockman called global warming a “new fad thing.”

As you might expect of someone who says such colossally stupid things, Stockman is not a scientist. Not being an expert and having views so entirely at variance with — literally — 97% of the world’s experts on the subject .. , you might expect Stockman to be a little less strident in his anti-environmental views.

But you’d only expect that if he was interested in being a legislator and having the nation’s best interests (rather than his own) at heart. That’s not Stockman’s style. He’s more interested in being a right wing circus monkey who views his two year term in Congress as an extended audition for a regular gig with Fox.

But since for now he’s still a public servant on the taxpayers’ payroll and all, maybe a reporter will find the time to ask Stockman what he knows that 97% of the world’s climate scientists don’t. After all, if Stockman or his blogger friend have information which has somehow escaped 97% of the world’s climate scientists, they’re in line for a Nobel Prize. They should probably spit it out and head over to Oslo.

Not that it could possibly be true, but maybe some reporter could also ask whether the tens of thousands of dollars Stockman gets from the oil and gas industry .. .. has done anything to influence his views or whether he just naturally resents people who know more than he does. If it’s the latter, he must be a very preoccupied guy.