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01/16/06 2:19 PM

#32 RE: westeffer #31

You may wish to combine the HEPI product with another product called OLIVENOL......very interesting approach to giving you the benefits of olive oil cancer fighting and cardiovascular properties without taking tons of olive oil and all it's calories.


01/16/06 2:24 PM

#33 RE: westeffer #31

thank you, that would be great if it did. i'll go to the web to see if it does.


01/16/06 2:27 PM

#34 RE: westeffer #31

The patent filing on cancer:

Fibrinolytic activity, or the process of breaking down fibrin, along with the eradication of the foreign pathological agents by other therapeutic interventions, can lead to increasingly effective immune system and white cell activity, and will greatly accelerate the healing process Most cancer processes liberate hydrogen peroxide, which acts as a free radical oxidative agent. In addition to hydrogen peroxide, the effects of cancer growth and chemotherapy produce excess soluble fibrin products as a response to these abnormal and destructive processes. The fibrin is produced as part of the body's natural reaction to tissue damage, which also occurs normally at the site of a superficial wound. However, at the site of cancer growth, fibrin coats cancer cells, tragically insulating them from destruction by the body's immune system. These coagulation mechanisms, stimulated by the oxidative damage associated with chronic illness, the damaging effects of chemotherapy, and the nature of abnormal cancer growth, all lead to further damage. Chronic illnesses such as cancer produce an acceleration of disseminated intravascular coagulation, causing not only a build-up of soluble fibrin but also of small intravascular thrombi, or clots that float around the vascular bed acting as emboli that obstruct circulation. The use of a fibrinolytic agent, along with any other therapeutic regime, will increase immune regulation and the effectiveness of white cell activity, improve capillary circulation and nutrient flow to the body's organs, aid in eliminating toxins, and enhance the benefits of other therapeutic agents. In addition, fibrinolytic agents will reduce the amount of free radical soluble fibrin that accelerates degenerative oxidation, and can increase the body's immune effectiveness in combating cancer growth.