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10/05/13 7:08 AM

#8005 RE: inversor86 #8002

Roger Leonberger not wanting to be on the board (because I’m sure that it was offered) but he is an advisor to the BOD so I’m sure that he attends the portions of the meetings where he is needed/allowed to be involved. I would bet that insider knowledge of the LSS project would affect other boards/projects that he is working on. AND agreed on the FL approval, It demonstrates that he is helping our cause and to have a man that connected works for me. As for the market IMO it is Not so much the grandiose market, as one or two heavy hitters selling and being so thinly traded makes it difficult. One seller has been very methodical (and that broker is doing a good job), the other, well, uh not so much. It is so hard to move a few 100k shares in or out without pushing the price up or down, it takes time and patience. It is what it is and Ross certainly didn’t leave because of anything negative at the company, I remember seeing him at the SHM with his grandkids a few years back, I forget who it was (I think it was buzzy) that overheard him tell them that this is future, Plastic Photonics or some such verbiage.

Call me crazy, I’m still a firm believer, it is just that some of the folks simply cannot hold on any longer and have made a decision to sell and move on and honestly we cannot blame them for many here it has been a long road and none of us thought that it would take this long.

Have a good weekend guys.

Hoping for evidence of the device and Perks performance soon.

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10/08/13 3:38 PM

#8024 RE: inversor86 #8002

86- Gotta admit I'm a little puzzled by this Board appointment. Says he's going to help us get devices to market. Wouldn't that make us a direct competitor to Manera?
If so, that suggests a merger or partnership of some sort. But with him on our BOD he cannot be on both sides of the table during the negotiations- a major conflict of interest.
He does have experience negotiating buyouts. But volume and pps sure don't suggest anything of that nature is going on.