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10/04/13 1:00 PM

#16128 RE: webber2 #16127

I have to 100% agree...I don't remember who pointed it out yesterday, but in just a few short sentences you could notice the change in tone from the company.

It used to be sort of a hurry up and wait tone and now it's like I can't believe this is actually happening, we're so close, all the hard work, can't let anything screw this up now type of tone with a bit more urgency to it. We are definitely on the cusp here.

The GE people coming out may have been what delayed Xtreme (again could be totally wrong on this whole theory, but I'm sticking to it until I'm proven wrong) from pulling the trigger. Company was like we're ready! And then the buyer said oh one last thing, we'd like to talk to GE in person or we need GE to sign off as well...

This is happening imo and happening soon...I was deadset on not selling a single share of my last stock until it hit $XXX and I sold a chunk this morning only because I feel this is about as sure a thing as you can get in the world of pink sheet (soon to be OTCQB)stocks. I'll be buying those share back ten fold and still have cash to play with...